Blog, Chirosecure Live Event March 19, 2021

Building an Aligned Pregnancy and Innate Based Birth Practice!

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Everybody. Welcome to the ChiroSecure. Look to the Children’s show. I am your host, Dr. Monica Buerger, and I have the beautiful, brilliant, uh, the one and only barefoot mama hanging out with you today.

Hey, how are you? It’s so good to see you. I’m living the dream in Dallas area and girl. It’s so good. We’re having a good time here. I just took my babies. We were on the farm this morning. We got all the eggs, I just delivered goat, baby triplets. Um, I just added goat midwife to my resume. I don’t know if you knew that or not, but, uh, we played with some baby goats and then we’re here. It’s a good day. It’s beautiful. No more snow. Thank goodness.

No, we’re running out of snow here too. Thank goodness. So a little bit, a little bit about the beautiful, brilliant Dr. Courtney. We met up a little over a year ago. We ran into each other at that awesome pediatric bootcamp. Um, from that Dr. Barbara Eaton does at Sherman and she, by the way, you guys need to listen up. She’s a 2013 grad of Parker. This amazing woman saved $6,000 from her student loans and have $57 to her name and started her practice. And she is rocking it. She has three kiddos under the age of five. We’ll get to that later on. She has three businesses. She has a grass, a grass fed beef, um, which is phenomenal business. Um, the nest, which she collaborates with other natural practitioners in our area for natural childbirth. And she has a free to be me awesome chiropractic clinic. So this one is bit is Z

To boots.

And to boot, I kind of knew about this before she got to announce it, but don’t tell anybody that I knew she just released an amazing 400 page book called the barefoot mama. And you all need to get on the waiting list to get her copy, actually. And you can just go to WW dot they’re barefoot So www barefoot and get your pre-order for this amazing book, because I know it’s going to be phenomenal. So welcome my friend. We’re going to just hang out.

And guys, that was the nicest introduction. Thank you so much.

Well, you deserve it. You’ve you’ve been, um, you’ve been around the block a little bit. Um,

Yeah, it’s been crazy. It has

You do. Um, and you do a lot for the students at Parker, so thank you for stepping up and, um, helping those students.

And I think we need it to, yeah. And I think this, our prenatal chiropractic needs to stay pure and that’s what we have two to three students in our office every single week. Uh, yesterday we had one and I always put them to work. I’m like, all right, you’re holding babies today. Or you’re playing with kids in our little park out front and I love it. And I’m like really good time to have some extra set of hands in the office. So it’s fun.

It’s a win-win right. And that’s what we should

All be about

And win for everybody. So, um, so you’re doing some pretty amazing work. And, um, and talk a little bit about your retreats. Um, you have the barrel

Speaking to my heart, so I know I’ve always said I’m not made for four walls in business and we have our practice and the nest. And through just a lot of, I don’t know if you know, yet last year was a really hard year for all of us, but it was a hard year for me personally. So through a lot of soul searching, God tapped me on the shoulder and said, write this book. And I was like, it’s time for that. There’s no way I have three kids under five and running these businesses. And I was like, okay, well, I kept feeling the urge kept filling the urge to write this book. And so I would wake up at 5:00 AM and I would start writing. I would practice all day long from nine to six and then six to 12:00 PM. I would write this book.

And, um, through that process, I fell in love with my mission and my mission to reach chiropractors, to bring community together and to also bring the women chiropractors who are mothers, who are growing their business and growing their families at the same time. It’s hard. And so, um, I’ve been teaching yoga in the Caribbean the past seven years and I’ve made a lot of friends, a lot of connections. And then through that, I was like, Hey, why am I not doing this? And so I have set the retreats. Um, we have three next year and at Cabo with, uh, Barbara Eaton, she’s going to be with us and Cabo. And then Christina Stitcher, we’re going to co-teach one in Costa Rica. And then, um, uh, I think that you will be, so we’ll be like dancing on the beach, around the fire and swimming and eating seafood and drinking rum. It’ll be a good time. It will be, it’ll be a business write off to, for chiropractors to come, you know, get some CES and then also heal the healers. You know, I think we kind of need time and space as mothers and as women to reconnect and to our sole purpose.

Absolutely. So they can find those retreats on the barefoot too.

Yeah. They can sign up for VIP access or the Facebook group, the barefoot mama, Dr. Courtney gallon will be pre releasing, um, retreats in the Facebook group and then the VIP access. So they can go sign up for that.

So let me ask you a personal question. Um, because I think this could help a lot of listeners out there. How in the world do you balance all of this stuff and you have three little kids under the age of five.

Exactly. And we home school. So it’s just, it’s crazy. So

Give a little hope for those. Um, you know, this has been a hard year and let’s face it. It’s been, and it’s, as it goes on, there’s more things to consider in that we’re seeing. Can you give those precious mamas and daddies out there? A little lift, a little Pearl of what has helped you get through this and with all that on your plate?

Yeah. Um, I absolutely can, but I also want you guys to know, I don’t have it figured out. Um, even this morning they were all screaming and I was like, get in the car and get in the car, get in the car. You know, it feels like a juggling act. So I think the biggest thing of just with mothers being real with each other and not scrolling through the highlight reels of Instagram and Facebook of all these women who have it figured out because that messes with your head. Um, so let me be the first to tell you that nobody has it figured out everybody has dirty dishes in the sink. Everybody has a crazy messy house. Um, they just don’t post about it. They don’t post pictures about it. And the philosophy that I’ve adopted for my life is grace over perfection. And so if I can walk in grace for my life and for when I’m walking through motherhood, when I lose my temper or lose my mind or my kids or not, I can’t believe I’m about to tell you this, but I had to go get your coffee this morning. And my almost two year old, it goes on a shoe strike. So I walk into Walmart and I’m holding a baby on my hip. My other two girls are with me and Luna is my little baby. And I was like, and she goes mama down. And so she wants to get down, but she won’t wear shoes. So this morning I was sprinting through Walmart with my two year old, my five-year-old and my three-year-old and my three-year-old wasn’t wearing shoes in Walmart.

So I think honestly, the biggest thing is just don’t hold yourself to the standard of perfection, have a lot of grace and be real with yourself. And whenever your kids see you walking in your purpose, that drives me. I, my kids to know that I love them and have raised them, but they also want to see them that they can chase their dreams because I have three daughters and to be strong women and to be able to step into their purpose that God has called them to. So I think that keeps me going and of just being an example and a leader to inspire my daughters through that, through that stuff.

Yeah. Beautiful. Beautiful. And I think the biggest Pearl there is, I don’t think anybody’s got it all figured out, especially these days. I think, you know, my motto, my hashtag the whole year has been pivot don’t panic and together we rise. So if we put it, we, we don’t, nobody’s got it all figured out, you know? So last time

We need more women supporting women, more mothers supporting mothers because women are strong and they can do anything, but a mama on a mission can change the world. Exactly.

Exactly. So let’s talk about that for a minute. Um, so in, I’m going to put you on a fire now that’s kidding. We’ll bring it on in, in the, in our developing minds program, we work a lot. I, I try to get doctors to think about the three W’s what, um, in the course of neurodevelopment, um, could have been the insult when might it have occurred and where might it left its Mark on the nervous system. Where, and when do you feel that prenatal chiropractic care comes into play?

I think it comes into play in preconception. Um, I think we

Did I get that right?

Oh my gosh. She’s so

Where, because I think that’s, this is a great, that’s a great, great point. We we’re talking about, I think a lot of people in our profession, we think prenatal care has to be when that baby’s in your hands, in, in your office when you’re born. Yeah. But really what do we need to think about where do we need to take that in our train of thought?

I think our train of thought needs to be, I think you talk about this a lot too. It is generational healing. If you’ve ever seen that picture of a mother who is pregnant and she has a baby girl inside of her, the eggs inside that baby girl are her grandchildren. And so the insults, the thoughts, traumas, toxins, and technology, they’re all being transpired into that mother. So if I was pregnant with my daughters, the stresses that I faced and as things that affected my maternal cortisol levels and affecting baby growing, it’s affecting my grandchildren. And so if we start with a mindset now that this generational healing begins with chiropractors, I think the preconception care is definitely important to get ahold of these mothers, especially mothers who have been on birth control since they’re 12 years old and then 10 years. And they’re trying to get pregnant without filling micronutrient, deficiencies, and all the things that birth control depletes itself to hold and sustain a pregnancy. Then I think that if we can start in preconception, it’s wonderful, but if we can have the mindset of a generational healing and generational transformation, I think that’s where we make our big difference.

And, and that, and you know, that I love to speak on this stuff. Um, the funny thing is somebody, somebody in my, in my grip pointed this out, um, I actually did a live, I was saw people. I was live somewhere, uh, a couple of weeks ago. Um,

So congrats.

But, um, they were saying, you know, I, I, I had this class that came out called derailed a couple of years ago, and then it was right before this pandemic had. Um, and it just solidified everything that I had already been teaching. You know, now it’s just more magnified. So, um, this, this con this, this premise of preconception care. So really if we can get women, um, under care and get their stress responses, somewhat modulating by chiropractic care before they can see that’s our ultimate goal. So those of you out there, prenatal care actually begins preconception. If you can’t get them there early, you know, if you can’t get them that early, then definitely they should be under care, uh, when, when they’re, when they’re pregnant. Um, so that’s, that’s another Pearl bomb for all of you out there. Switch your mindset as far as what prenatal is.

And I think too, Monica, just, I don’t know if you, I have this goal in my practice to have a generational practice of whenever I’ve only been doing this for seven years, but I think that my goal is to have women get under care, preconception, have a baby, and that baby is under care, their entire life. And then their babies babies are under our care. So I think that’s important for chiropractors to have that generational mindset of their practice for that. Just, I don’t know, that’s what my take is on.

Absolutely. I was in California for the first 18 years of my practice. And I, I would S I saw a lot of families and kids obviously, and then those kids grew up and they got married and you get invited to their weddings and everything. And then they were having kids and it is really, you know, and then, and then, uh, you get to look at yourself in the mirror, go, Oh, I am, I’m older than I am older than 24, but it is really fun to see that you laid that foundation down. And if we do that and we, and we break some of those generational, um, memories and, and the way what we call it, I call it epigenetic. Inheritance are the way we respond to our world. That’s when we can change and foster generations to come. So, so give your spirits. So, um, when it comes to rewiring the next generation, yeah. How, how are we going to make our imprints? We’re going to see that obviously you see mamas early on. What other things do you have that you, that you foster in your practice, where you get? One question I get asked a lot is how do I transition from that mama bringing baby into me, right. When they’re born? How do I transition from that to long-term wellness care and being able to see that baby ongoing? What, what life? Yeah. Give us your, how you handle that in your practice.

So I think the biggest thing within that is whenever people are talking about that transition and moving, and either, Hey, I had a traumatic birth, or there was something in my pregnancy that I was exposed to, the kind of, or the analogy I like to use is when you’re riding in a car, what windshield is bigger, the front windshield or the back, and that they’re always like, well, you know, the front windshield is bigger. And I said, exactly, there’s a reason for that. What’s behind us is the hind us. And what’s moving forward. We have a bigger vision forward. So let’s start moving forward. And I think when we get clear in our communication with mamas and we speak our philosophy, and we start to explain how the nervous system and its impacts on our world and the way the world impacts our nervous system and the importance of care, people understand it.

Whenever we start to communicate them on a mom, to mom, in a heart to heart basis of that connection. So whenever we start to just communicate very simply the effects of our world, and always say the amount of trauma and an amount of stress placed upon baby within their life is any amount of care that they need. And so whenever we’re walking through life, I say, Hey, if we’re doing great, maybe we are transitioning to wellness care, but life is dynamic and healing is dynamic. So if we’re going through a stressful situation, then we’re going to ride that wave of stress. And when you’re going to be in here more often, but we’re going to be here as your co-partner throughout life. Um, I always like to say that there’s three ways to practice chiropractic, um, bone deep bone, deep nerve deep are soul deep. And I think that we’ve kind of,


I think that we have kind of mastered the soul deep practice of the people that we have created in our community. And I think whenever you cry with people, when you hold the people, when you’re authentic with people that they connect with you, and then they start to see those changes in the importance and also how much you care and your passion for them, for their babies to truly be healthy. Because we as chiropractors are truth warriors. We’re the only one talking about vaccines. We’re the only one talking about what type of formula to be giving them. That’s not loaded with crap or the only ones talking about really food introduction and EMS and all these things. What we have surrounded ourselves and set ourselves up with is to be truthful yours. And so whenever we step into our voice and we step into our light of sharing that truth with people, then there’s no other way that they’re getting it for the rest of their life.

That’s beautiful. And I think I love that term truth where I think, um, you know, we’re giving Gavin just for a few minutes before we got on of being just authentic, raw and real, I say wrong meal, don’t take yourself too seriously, but you bring in that, showing them that compassion. And, uh, and there was a study. So let’s, let’s throw this out there. And then let’s, I have something else I want to ask you. They looked at, um, they’ve been they’ve in the, in the research. Um, you know, my brain goes to, I like to stay up.

It’s amazing.

Well, looking at those women that experienced, um, some PTSD and, uh, associated with giving birth, but specifically in the COVID period. Yeah. And, um, one of the biggest causes for them, uh, PTSD birth experience was reported as poor communication. They felt the communication from their healthcare providers while this birthing experience, that was the number one reported, um, cause of PTSD. So I think what you just laid out was a huge Pearl for us with regard to our ability to connect and communicate. So in the chiropractic world, a lot has been focusing around and I, and I do this about connecting, communicating at brain-based or neurological based chiropractic, but we should not neglect what you just brought up. I think connecting and communicating on a soul based emotional platform, uh, is, is, is huge. And if we can take away from that study where mama’s during the birthing process, their number one reason of a PTSD experience was poor communication. They didn’t know why their healthcare providers were doing certain things or what was going to be expected and everything. And so that leads me into my next question. Do you believe that birth trauma either on mama’s side or baby side is solely physical or do you believe there’s another aspect?

I think there’s so many more aspects to it. Um, and then just to kind of add into what you were saying, I always joke around with people that it was lost in translation, that Jesus was a chiropractor and not a carpenter, um, just because of the power of laying of hands. And so we are the only pressure profession that are really laying hands on people. So I just want to kind of add that into there too, because you’ve make up so many great points within that. Um, so I do believe, and I know, and I’ve seen it firsthand, um, just permission to give like my own story of my birth and my experience of my daughter. And I had this beautiful two hour water birth that was just wonderful with my second daughter. And, uh, she had all of these neurological delays in developments and it really, I think that whenever it starts hitting home in a personal level, you start to say, well, we talked about birth trauma and she had a beautiful birth.

She was adjusted right after birth, you know, and then, um, I start thinking about my pregnancy and I start thinking about the emotional stressors that I was under. I was thinking about the physical stressors. Um, mama’s run a business. Ain’t easy whenever you’re doing it, um, with a baby strapped on your back and a baby in your belly. So there’s a lot of support that we need within this life within, uh, running a business and being a mama. But I started reflecting back on that and I started really realizing that birth trauma is not birth trauma per se, physically it’s emotionally, it’s, spiritually it’s toxicity. Um, you know, that human talks to him project that you’ve talked about and that I have started studying really deep. I put a lot of that in my book. Um, we’re more toxic now than we’ve ever been. And how are those neurotoxins that they’re finding in the cord, the cord blood of these babies affecting them neurologically and developmentally, you know, like the pendulum has swung so far away from, we were naturally decided designed to live it’s time to get back, but we need to understand that what we’re doing during pregnancies and preconception, it’s not just all the posters on chiropractic walls that are, Oh, birth trauma pull.

And C-section like, you didn’t get on the neck. Like, that’s what I always taught birth trauma. Was that birth trauma? No, that’s in the wound. That’s like the mind, the body, the soul, you can’t like, you can’t separate those. And so that’s where I do believe in personally have seen birth trauma begins is within the mother.

Absolutely I did. And I, when I was live a few weeks ago, um, and I, I, I think too, um, in, uh, the virtual conference, this last pediatric bootcamp, I like to get chiropractors thinking about this because I think a lots of times they get stuck in the mindset of it’s a physical trauma from the birth experience. And it’s the bone out of place kind of model that we’re used to, but we know that with any of these stress sores, you’re gonna have, um, dysmaturation of the development of the autonomic nervous system and from the get go, that, that means vagal tone. And from the get go, you’re going to have a little fiddle fart, this predisposed to, uh, subluxation patterns because of trauma, toxins, thoughts. I had the fi I have five T’s trauma.


You know, tethered tissues, which we can put subluxations under that too. So that’s another pro for you guys out there to start shifting your mindset that sub chronic subluxation patterns or quote unquote trauma, we need to, um, we need to define trauma in a different manner, I think.

Yeah. Yeah. So, and then with, yes, I was, I was about to nerd out on something with you. I’ve written a whole chapter in my book about the neurology of birth and the importance of bagel tone during pregnancy and its role during birth and labor. Um, so I know that you teach on the vagus nerve so much. Um, I just was going to add that the importance and the clinical Pearl of, um, definitely stimulating the vagus nerve during labor or during pregnancy and its effect on

Things that they found is, is, is exercise, um, exercises enhances, uh, fetal heart rate variability and bagel tone. So moms need to exercise. We should promote physical movement exercise, especially in that last trimester. Um, and I think there’s two aspects. I think there’s, we need to look at the emotional aspect on baby and on mama, as far as if we want to look at birth trauma kind of thing. Yeah. They say, I don’t know if you saw this study, uh, they, 33%. So one in three moms are reporting, um, postpartum or childbirth related PTSD. This was back from 2010. This was back from a long time ago. So we had the third women, third of the women reported PTSD related to childbirth. And we’re there seeing that kinda on the uprise, but it cool. I’m just going to throw this out. Cause I love this tie this together. So there’s a recent paper that came out about PTSD and the, in general PTSD in general, they did a study with police officers, but what their partying comments, so to speak were that it, and they found that if a person had high, um, integrity of the prefrontal cortex,

I can see you’re going the same place. I, yeah,

I have high integrity. The prefrontal cortex, the ramifications of their traumatic experiences did not lead to a PTSD profile. So their parting comments were the higher resiliency. They actually used this word resiliency within the prefrontal cortex and should be considered to be, um, in early intervention before a PR person experiences a traumatic event that would minimize their PTSD. So they said high resiliency. So think about it. We just were, we just were talking about, yeah, right. So if all, if all mamas were under care during the prenatal period and we enhanced their resiliency of their prefrontal cortex, would that lead to a less traumatic birth experiencing and then a higher rate of bonding and breastfeeding and so forth,

Right? Yeah. It’s a cascade. It starts here in a snowball effect. And I love that quote, that it’s not that healthy people have less stress in their lives. It’s just, they’re more resilient to the stress they’re placed in. And so I think if you take that quote and you transform it into our communication with chiropractors and prenatal care, it’s just not that labor is hard. It’s not that you’re going to have these experiences. It’s that whenever you’re able to adapt to that stress and adapt to that experience and go into birth with zero expectations and a full open heart of surrender, then you’re able to mitigate the postpartum experience with a stronger, more resilient mind.

Beautiful. Oh, stronger, more resilient mind. Good drop. Boom.


Been a little bit of a, of a crazy year, so to speak. Um, how did you pivot your practice? How, what are some things do you anticipate, especially for the younger doctors coming out? Yeah. What are some pearls you can give them in ways to, to pivot, to think about their practice going forward,

What’d you call it? I spoke to the Parker student body on Friday and I addressed them. And I said, you guys, you are going to be the most resilient student body that graduates chiropractic school because you have gone through this, look at it as a huge blessing because you’re going to be able to walk out of school with a pro a set of problem solving skills that no other doctor has come out of. Um, so I think that that’s so important and encouragement for students to know that whenever they come out of school, they’re not gonna have the experience that we had. They’re going to have the experience of a major shift and how to adapt to it. And so they’re having to learn how to adapt to their classes and their labs and how to learn and get the same education through, um, pivoting, you know, so I think that that’s important and an encouragement to them to spin it, um, and take it as a blessing, as a business owner, you’re going to have to find ways to innovate and a ways to shift your practice in Texas.

They, they kind of closed chiropractic down for about a week whenever they figured out who’s essential, who’s not. And so we close for a week and then I was reading through the governor’s order and he said that people can be in parks. And so I was like, we’re going to build a park. Let’s go. And so in the front of my office, I say that me and my husband, till 2:00 AM, and we put turf outside, we built a little, um, uh, I’m looking at it right now. It’s like a huge fence. And we made a mini Magnolia and like chip and Joanna, we put chairs out there. We have bubble machines out there. We have music. And then we’re actually having a little postpartum PJ and I’m bringing my baby goats. Um, so it’s just something that if COVID would have never had it happened, we would have never had this space for mothers and community and stuff like that.

So I think that whenever you’re faced with a problem, my, we can get into a little bit more. But whenever I see a problem, like I’m going to start a business and solve it. But as chiropractors, whenever we see a problem we’re such innovators and entrepreneurs take it as an opportunity to create something amazing within your practice. And don’t clam up and be like, Oh, this was so bad because life is the lens that we look through and the mindset that we have. And so if you look at every negative as an opportunity or a challenge to step into a higher calling or to serve more people, our practice almost doubled during COVID because we were a source of hope. And I will tell you, I had a girl that I’ve been seeing for about two years and she booked an initial consult. And I was like, why did she book an initial consult?

She’s been coming here for so long. And she sat me down and she said, Courtney, if you haven’t had this practice throughout COVID, I wouldn’t have made it. Like, there’s something like, she was just like, ah, you’re the only person who touches me. You’re the only, this is the only place I feel safe. Even my church, I don’t feel like heard or seen or felt. And, and that, when I started this business, I said, if I can change one life, it’ll all be worth it. The student loans, the work, the sweat, the blood, the tears can change one life. It’s worth it. And so students, if you can change one life, think of the impact you can have and take your practice one life at a time.

Beautiful. My favorite, one of my favorite sayings, just see it at the end of all, my PowerPoints is to the world one person, but to one person, you may be the entire world. And then, and then that person feeds is up and talk about pivoting goats and bubble machines.

I’m like, what makes me happy? Bubbles and baby goats. So why would that make everybody else happy? And that’s what

I think that’s what we need to do is that’s a great take home point, especially for you newer docs

Out there, you

Have to figure I, and my old practice in California, um, I had three floods that flooded my building and I had two, not one, but two cars that plowed through my building and wiped it out. No.

And so

I learned how to plant

Yeah. On the flat. Yeah, you totally did.

The second car runs through your office. You’re like, yeah, this isn’t it.

I think God’s telling me we need to go. I was in the middle of

Actually from Idaho to California, from California, Idaho at the time. And, um, I, I just say, I must’ve brought on bad karma. You know, you can’t, you guys can’t give up. Um, and, and Dr. Corny beat seven years out, no eight years out. That’s devil, go ahead. And, and thinking like that, that’s, that’s very, that’s huge. And not only that is, you will, you’ve obviously made the Mark in your community by doing something this, this amazing. Um, and people know that you’re genuine. And, uh, I think you’ve just built a lot of staying power in your community for that.

Yeah, absolutely.

Hurdles. Any, if you are talking to a new grad and they come to you and say, court, Dr. Courtney, one of course,


Is one thing that I should not do when I get out?

I think that so many events try to be something that we’re not. And so you see friends like whenever I graduated, for example, I saw friends taking out 200,000 more in student loans or in business loans to open a shiny, bright practice with a lot of allure. And for me, I knew that that wasn’t who I was. And I think that whenever you start, and I did a lot of personal work in school, I sat at the feet of my mentor and we studied the green books and we, like, we got into the philosophy and we did the personal clearing work. So it’s able to be clear of what I, who I was. And so whenever I graduated, I knew that that’s not what I wanted, but man, did I want that shiny new office? Did I not want to start in the basement of this building?

Yeah, I did, but I listened to my heart and I listened to my intuition. And so many of us can just get a Lord by the world and we forget our purpose. And so stay true to who you are and your purpose and your calling. If that’s a five by 10 by 10 room with a table in your hands, in your heart, do it. If it’s a $2 million clinic with 10 providers do it, like God puts a calling in our heart for a reason. But like whenever you get that calling, you automatically have the way and the Avenue. So trust that tune in to that. Don’t try to be somebody that you’re not, and don’t take yourself too serious.

That’s beautiful. Um, and I think that’s the thing is don’t, don’t design your office about what you see on Facebook, please. Don’t please, please. Don’t. Well, I want to thank you so much. I cannot wait for October to loom and keep doing the amazing work and keep firing those newer, uh, chiropractors out there. Cause they need to see those great role models, um, and that we can pivot pivot don’t panic and, um, goats and bubbles. Hell yeah. So much for joining me, taking time out of your practice today and thank you for the most secure. You’re amazing for always backing us up and giving us this platform. And next month, April is autism awareness month. So I’m gonna, I’m gonna, um, just be dropping in and, uh, talking about some things we should be thinking about in the world of chiropractic and autism and, and, uh, how we fit into that world and, uh, how we can pivot our practices. And don’t forget Dr. Erik Kowalki on the first Thursday of the month, and he’s got some pro bombs for you as well. So we’ll see you next month until then you guys keep saving lives, change the world and let’s help us turn that tide. Thanks Dr. Court. You’re welcome. Bye.