Uncategorized May 11, 2023

Resolution of nocturnal enuresis in 9-year-old male under chiropractic care



Resolution of nocturnal enuresis in 9-year-old male under chiropractic care: A case report

A ChiroSecure Research Update

Abstract: Objective/Clinical Features A 9-year-old male presented for chiropractic care with nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting). The child had a history of chiropractic care, but there was a significant time period from his last adjustment. During this time the bedwetting frequency had increased to 3-4 nights in a row. The child had received repetitive antibiotic prescriptions from the ages 0-7 and had injured their ‘tailbone’ two years previous.
Upon examination it was identified that the child was experiencing severe mental stress, high emotional stress, and moderate physical stress. Objective measures of thermal scanning, static EMG, and heart rate variability were recorded and analysed both pre and post chiropractic care.

This examination revealed a minor AHC, a high right shoulder with corresponding right foot flare and sacral torsion. Spinal Galant and ATNR reflexes were retained bilaterally, and the Palmer reflex on the right. Increased tension was noted in sub-occipital muscles, right trapezius, right rhomboid, and bilateral gluteus medius. Subluxations were identified at the levels of C3/4, C6/7, T6/7, and about the Sacrum.

Discussion: Objective/Clinical Features A 9-year-old male presented for chiropractic care with nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting). The child had a history of chiropractic care, but there was a significant time period from his last adjustment. During this time the bedwetting frequency had increased to 3-4 nights in a row. The child had received repetitive antibiotic prescriptions from the ages 0-7 and had injured their ‘tailbone’ two years previous.

Upon examination it was identified that the child was experiencing severe mental stress, high emotional stress, and moderate physical stress. Objective measures of thermal scanning, static EMG, and heart rate variability were recorded and analysed both pre and post chiropractic care.

This examination revealed a minor AHC, a high right shoulder with corresponding right foot flare and sacral torsion. Spinal Galant and ATNR reflexes were retained bilaterally, and the Palmer reflex on the right. Increased tension was noted in sub-occipital muscles, right trapezius, right rhomboid, and bilateral gluteus medius. Subluxations were identified at the levels of C3/4, C6/7, T6/7, and about the Sacrum.

Conclusion: Chiropractic care may be of assistance in the management of nocturnal enuresis.

Reference: Blonigen A, Postlethwaite R, McIvor C. Resolution of nocturnal enuresis in 9 year-old male under chiropractic care: A Case Report. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2021;2.6. URL apcj.net/papers-issue-2-6/#BlonigenEnuresis