Blog, Chirosecure Live Event September 12, 2022

Barefoot with Babinski

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Hello, everybody out there. It’s Dr. B and Elizabeth. She is so excited to bring you barefoot with Besky. We are gonna say Bye Bye Babinski today, right? Girlfriend. That’s right, mom. Hopefully you all are an amazing September day out there and ready to move into the fall and you’re ready for the, what is it? The pumpkin spice fr of Ma lack of Chino things.

We don’t drink those right, Elizabeth. No. So hello everybody again. I, bye Bains. We’re wrapping up our final segment in our primitive reflex series. And Elizabeth is gonna take a little bit of a nap while we do this. And she shall return. So we’ll put her down. And let’s hit our slideshow and ready to go.

Okay. ChiroSecure again, you’re amazing. Thank you for this time. Thank you for allowing us to share our messages and for always having our backs in the chiropractic community, especially for the little fiddle farts, cause the little fiddle farts really need need us now more than ever. So let’s dive into Babinski.

We have gone through all of these. In integration order, remember that integration orders, how they naturally occur, they should occur depending on our milestone movement patterns. When we, when little fiddle, farts adopt maladaptive. Motor movements is when we run into trouble because that can negate the integration of these primitive reflexes.

So we want good, optimal motor movement that requires them to be subluxation free. So that’s where we as chiropractors make a huge impact on these reflexes. So we are down to the bottom. We are down to Bobinski and let’s get rocking and rolling. It emerges about a week. Postpartum stays active for about one to two years.

And literally the reason I wanted to go barefoot with Babinski is because barefoot stimuli walking, etcetera can make a huge PA impact on integrating Babinski. So it’s okay. Especially on surfaces like grass and sand and so forth. That can be a huge plus. For Vinci go byebye. It, I don’t wanna be cookie cutter because we always want to hone in and use our skills that we’re so great on and learn so much about as far as adjusting specific segments, ver subluxations, but oftentimes you’re gonna see L four S two pathways.

You oftentimes see a base posterior SAC. And you might also see an association with enuresis. So that’s just a little side note. We’re going to potentially see disruption of the vestibular proprioceptive sensory systems, if that Babinski stays active. So those are two sensory systems. If you’ve been with us for any of these eight previous session.

Seven previous sessions. We talked about how primitive reflexes basically represent the maturation, the optimal development of various sensory systems, sensory motor systems. So Babinski would have a large regulation over vestibular appropriate deceptive systems. You might see a correlation of toe walking.

If Babinski is stays too. And in turn, tow walkers often have poor vestibular proprioceptive systems. So that’s that connection right there. This, if it stays active or it becomes active again, later in life, we wanna think of upper motor neuron lesion, and we wanna look at that frontal lobe. So we wanna look at some executive functioning.

Struggles and some ex frontal lobe testing there. It is again influenced by the movement of our feet and legs, our lumbar spine. Again, this is Lubar spine and pelvis. This is why chiropractic is so crucial here. It’s gonna help us develop lower muscle tone. You might see again, which is the chicken of the egg, a low muscle tone, little fiddle, fart.

Holding onto this reflex or likewise, this reflex for some other reason, staying active and decreasing the strength and the tone and the lower extremities. So you just gotta figure out which is causing what, and they, of course they can go together. It helps us prepare for progressive movement, cross crawl, patterning going from sitting to standing to running, to walking, etc.

Balance coordination, even speech, and again, a higher cognitive load because it’s associated with that frontal wall. We so we said it’s active starting the first week following birth. They can have trouble. They can be clumsy. They can appear as a clumsy kiddo, trouble walking, running as can’t you stay up, can’t you stay up right on your feet.

You’re always falling over loose ankle stability. So this is one of those ones where the potentiality of orthotics might be a big help here because you might see chronic ankle sprain strain. So orthotics a lot of vestibular wobble board work once they’re at the age where they can do that.

Those are kind of things that we wanna incorporate if we see an act of Besky. And certainly if you’ve seen chronic ankle sprain strains, I use a really fun system in my office is called Bobo balance system. The Bobo balance system, you can go to Bobo. and the kiddos love it because it is a it’s an app you use.

So it’s a wobble board with a Bluetooth device in it. You get an app. I download onto the iPad and have the iPad on the stand and this balance it’s a balance game and it runs through it has different Mazes and obstacle courses and different fun games that kiddos are used to this screen time and playing games.

So it’s really interactive and it keeps their attention. So bubble balance is an amazing and it’s, it is a good price point too, that I have my patients buy ’em and have ’em at home. Okay. So that’s a little tidbit right there. Again, tow Walker’s pigeon. And when we do one when we look at one of the potential ways to help integrate this, if it’s staying active is getting into that a pigeon and toe position, I’ll show you that they might drag their leg on one side, when they’re learning to crawl, they might have a limp on one leg when they start to walk again, these compensatory motor movement patterns.

Chronic tension in their hips, their legs their posterior calf muscles. They can be on a cortisol kick because of when Babinski is active. It’s hard to know where we are in space to move through space. And that is very unnerving to the nerve system. The brain wants to see the status of the.

Brain wants to know the status of the body within the external environment. And how do I move through this environment in a safe and sound way. But the body also wants to know the status of their internal environment. And if we don’t have that going on it can create a very anxious paradigm and that’s where you lead to that cortisol kick.

So you’ll see that extend your muscle tone. Can. Hyper extension. So again, trouble coordinating and walking through space. And we’ve covered that. One of the first things you wanna look at with your little fiddle farts is as they start to go through their Mo motor movement patterns and they start to do the belly crawl position, I call it the toe dig and I’ll show you a picture here in a minute.

Is that big toe, basically digging into the ground to push them forward. As the opposite hand is flat and pulling them forward when they start belly crawling and that’s gonna help this Babinski to integrate. So here’s a picture here. And I just use this as some of my exercises in my developing minds program.

If you have an older patient that maybe had a stroke or some kind of other lesion so forth, you might need to take them back in time to the early years of these cross crawl motor patterns. And one of them is the belly crawl. So this would be for an adult or a kiddo. And then I’ll show you this little clip.

Hopefully this is an old clip back from my early days. Hopefully it will play okay for you. So you’ll see how, when we’re doing the belly crawl position, one arm is forward. The opposite leg is flexed and that toe should be digging into the ground for them to push off on. As they’re taking this hand and pulling themselves forward.

If I have an individual, it doesn’t matter which age, this information can be used across all ages. And all stages is I will put my hand if they’re not pushing off on that toe, I will put my hand underneath their big toe and help them help their brain. I will tap it. I will make sure I say, can you feel my.

I’m basically queuing their brain to pay attention to that big toe. Okay. And so that gives that brain a little bit more input of, Hey, I have a big toe on that side. Let’s use it. And so I will push them forward. I couldn’t let them push off of my hand so that we can start that pattern and work that pathway.

So then it become. Automatic and they can start doing it on their own. Okay. So sometimes you have to help cue their brain to know they have a left side or right side, a big toe, a little toe, etcetera. Okay. So we’ll see if this one plays again, it’s an old video, this little guy right here. Trying to think how old he was.

He was. Maybe five at the time. And he just graduated from high school at starting college, his first year of college. But if you look at this video, you’re gonna see how how many, the level of struggles that he had in his early years. So it’s fun. I just thought of that right now. I didn’t put two and two together when I put this presentation together.

But now I’m looking at it. I’m like, wow, he’s come so far and he’s actually attending college. So the things we can do is amazing. So let’s see if it goes here,

Other side, remember this dance. It was so uncoordinated.

So he would, he was having more trouble pulling himself forward. So you could see, I was putting my hand on top of his hand, anchoring his hand so he could pull himself forward. And we started with the toe digs first, got that kind of going and then had to move up to his. So they can be challenging.

He was at the size body wise that I could handle him on my own. Fairly. Okay. If they’re an adult or a bigger kiddo, you might have to have one person at doing the toe portion and one portion doing a hand portion and really getting. Those neural circuits start firing up. And then I have parents do this at home.

Depending on the the level of their neuro functional capacity, they might be able to handle a minute of it. Three minutes of crawl belly crawling a day several times throughout the day, 3, 4, 5, 6 times a day. Really intense. Circuit training of that belly crawl. That’s a, this is extremely important one when we’re looking at the trajectory of neuromotor development.

All right. So this thing stays active. How can we help integrate it? This, what you can do is there’s a lot of different things. You can have them. Pick up marbles with their feet, you can have them do almost like the if you have Ugh, brain fart shin splints, you ha you would have a person pick up marbles with their feet.

You can have them roll up a towel with their toes. You can do the same things for Beski. If those are things, if they can do that, if they have the functional capacity to do that if they don’t have the functional capacity, what you can do is you can just take your, the pads of your fingers and stroke up along the lateral side of the foot and over just like you were doing to check the Beski right.

That’s how we would stroke. And we would look, is that, does that big toe still extend? All right. So to integrate it, You could do that, like three times take the pads of your fingers and just stroke. Like you would be testing for it. Okay. Do it three times, three to five times, then take their foot and you’re gonna do one set in inversion and one set.

Put the pads, your fingers on the lateral side of the foot, where you would start that stroking to test for it. If they can put their big toe into extension, then have them do that. And this little fiddle fart that was not plausible. He couldn’t do it. Okay. So I mimicked it for him where I took my fingers and I put his toe into extension.

OK. And what you want them to do is you. You want them to try to resist against your hand that in which your fingers are curled around the lateral side of their foot. So basically you want them to try to do an e-version maneuver while you’re inverting the foot in isometric resistance. When you have the foot inverted, you want them to try to inverted against.

Okay. And hold for five to 10 seconds, again, depending on their functional capacity and do three to five sets of that. Now, if this is not plausible, that patient can’t do this. The other thing you can do is you can put their foot in an inversion pattern. Again, if they can extend their big toe, have them extend their big toe.

And I just said they have ’em line supine. Okay. Rest supine, arms the side. You’re putting their feet into inversion, extending the big toe. If they can and just do rebounding, you’re just rocking their body from inferior to posterior, like juggling them, just rocking their body as a unit. And do that for a bit about a minute.

And that can be a way also to help integrate this Babinski. So again, you have to use, you have to pick and choose depending on where they’re at functional capacity wise. I will usually, if I can do this set of maneuvers or I might even add the rebounding, just an extra layer after I do this set of maneuvers, they can’t do this.

I’ll just do the rebounding and then I’ll, we will finish it up with having them ideally in picture number one here, I’m just using my index finger and having them actively curling their toes around my index finger. And I’m trying to pull up on their toes. So they have to resist that tension. And again, holding five to 10 seconds.

Doing three to five times again, if they can’t do that, how do I modify it? Just to get that firing started in their brain. I will wrap my hand around them with my thumb underneath those toes. I’m holding their toes down, rolled over my thumb and I’m bringing up the tension. So modify until you can get the higher levels and get them to do more sophisticated maneuvers.

Okay. So we talked about picking up marbles, rolling towels picking up little toys, and this is a great one where you can play devil’s advocate and do a couple things at one time. If they have trouble with crossing the midline activities and knowing right from. That might be an at and R reflex, still active.

I will have them, I’ll have two piles of marbles or little toys of, a shark and a turtle and a pig and a whatever. Okay. And they’ll have to take their right leg. So now you’re gonna get some vestibular balance in the. Proprioception, they’re gonna have to use their core so they don’t flat and fall over.

And I will have them have to, they’ll have to take their right foot and cross the midline and pick up something on this side and then bring it over to the other side. And then they switch and use their left foot to pick up from this pile and bring it over. So you’re doing a lot of things. At one time, you’re helping Babinski, you’re helping core stability and vestibular proprioception and visual motor.

Visual motor. You’re helping I said Babinski and crosses the midline. So you got a lot of things going there. You got a lot of bang for your buck and one fun exercise okay. That’s barefoot with Babinski stay byebye Babinski and again, ChiroSecure your amazing, thank you so much for letting us do.

And spread the amazing word of ChiroSecure chiropractic and next

we’ll Kowalke the first Thursday and Elizabeth and I will here the Thursday of October, ready for our pumpkin spice, whatever we don’t drink those things, but we’ll have something pumpkin spicy. You with me, girlfriend she’s with me, and maybe we can find her a Halloween outfit by then until then you guys keep being amazing.

Keep saving lives and we’ll see in.
