Blog, Chirosecure Live Event February 27, 2022

Building a Culture of Well-being in the Workplace

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Hello everybody. Dr. Julie McLaughlin here with vital health protocols. And today I am bringing you your next edition of Empowering Women from ChiroSecure. So first of all, let’s all give some love to ChiroSecure some hearts, some thumbs up, all of the good stuff that we love about ChiroSecure because they have,

all of this education, all these videos possible, which without them, I sure don’t know where I would be. I am sure you guys feel the same way, so let’s make sure that we give lots of love to kind of ChiroSecure So today we’re going to be talking about building a culture of wellbeing in the workplace. And how to boost your bottom line.

So I have some slides I’m going to share with you. And I would highly encourage you to go and get some paper and pencil because I’m going to be giving you actual dues level stuff that you can go ahead and do and start today. On working with some businesses in your community. We’ve done this so many times in our practice with the chamber of commerce, with lots of businesses in our community, and it’s really fun to do.

So make sure you guys are writing down these things because they work. Telling you, in theory or they should work, but we have actually done this many times in our practice, so let’s get started on this. So what does wellbeing in the workplace help? So it helps small business owners who want to grow their business and keep their key employees.

Is it a six times return on their investment to have healthy employees with positive attitudes? So it increases employees, productivity, lowers, presenteeism, and absenteeism. So those are big deals, but let’s talk about this. Everybody talks about wellness, right? But there’s nothing well about wellness.

You’re like, wait a minute. Why would you say that? Why would you say there’s nothing well about wellness? Think about. Wellness is a one dimension. It’s just means the definition absolutely means absence of disease. That’s just one dimension just because you have the absence of disease doesn’t mean that you’re well, or you have good wellbeing.

In fact, look at the statistics in the United States. And I have to tell you that the majority of the people in our country are sick and are chronically sick. One in two are suffering from chronic disease. One in two that’s, 50% chronic diseases are responsible to seven out of 10 deaths per year, right?

84% of healthcare dollars go towards chronic disease. Two-thirds of Americans are overweight and one in three are obese. Autoimmune diseases have tripled in the last five years. And now with long COVID, which I know very well, that is a new type of autoimmune that we’re starting to deal with. And over half of Americans are taking medications.

So there is nothing well about the population in our country. So helping people improve their wellbeing is what we want. Because employees need to thrive more than just having a job right. More than just getting paid. They need to be happy with what they’re doing. They need to be in a happy place where they work and they need to be happy with their team.

We’ve all had jobs where we were getting paid. Just hated and dreaded going to work, right? Not since I’ve been a comfort factor. Of course. I, we have the best job in the world doing this, when I was in college, I had these jobs that I just dreaded. The people were very unhappy around me.

So what can we do? Because we have such a great job to help other people, what can we do help these employers? And employees. So these are the top three reasons that employers will feel that wellbeing in the workplace will make sense. It will give their employees 75% want better health, right? 60% of employers want to improve their employee retention because it’s such a really competitive market and trying to get employees nowadays.

You can only pay so much. So let’s say you’ve met your competitors payment on the pay scale. What can you do a little bit more to entice to, for those employees to stay right. And you want to increase their productivity and your bottom line result. So when we look at this for the employer, their average return on investment is $5 and 81 cents for every dollar spent on employee wellbeing.

That’s a six times return in money not to mention the fringe benefit of having healthy employees. So when we look at this, I made a little blueprint for you. To take, to be able to talk to the employers about this. The first thing you want to do is identify their need or their problem. And we’re going to go in depth on each one of these here in a second, by going to give you the overview.

So we’re going to set a goal and a mission for each employer, right? Get feedback from them. Get input from them, not only from the employer, but from the employee. You want to make a personalized plan? We want to make it for the team and we want to make it very personal. You want to get buy-in from the team.

We want to do that with incentives and rewards. We want to do what gets measured, gets managed. We want to. Outcome. We want proof of outcome. So we want to communicate and motivate. So let’s see how we’re going to accomplish each one of those things. So the first thing that we’re going to do is we’re going to recommend that they choose a wellbeing.

Governor. How has that, when would you like to be a wellbeing governor at the place you work? And it’s really fun. We have them holding the election every quarter or every six months or every year, whatever you want. However big the opposite is, and the whole opposite gets to vote. Who’s going to be their being governor.

And that person is going to be in charge of hoping. Promote these wellbeing in the workplace ideas and programs, right? So they’re like the cheerleader and the organizer. So the next thing that you want to do is help them set goals in line with their company mission. So identify a need or a problem.

Don’t just pick like a cookie cutter thing. Be really specific to that company. Maybe you’re working with a company that manufacturers, outdoor gear. So you’re gonna. Focus, maybe your motivation and your things to things that they’re doing outside, maybe hikes and different things that help them brainstorm because the more custom, the more fitting it is to their business, the better they’re going to be compliant.

And they’re more fun. They’re going to have. You can offer them lunch and learns. They go along in line with that thinking. So maybe you do weight loss or stress reduction or eating better, moving better, sleeping better, or just overall team education, or maybe they need like motivation team morale. But. So the next step that you’re going to do is you’re going to get input from the team, get the employees and the employers involved in the planning process, because what did they say?

Two heads are more than two heads are better than one when it comes to brainstorming for these ideas. And I have lots of things. You’re brainstorming. You don’t have to just have a blank piece of paper and say, go, I have a lot of them. I’m back. I’m going to show you 24 different things that you can start with.

And then you’ll be surprised how many more you came up with. And actually 24 is my paired down version for today’s show. I actually have a much bigger list. So when did you start thinking about this? It’s going to be so fun because you’ll come up with ideas that are going to. People get better to have a more cohesive team, a better workplace, better bottom line, and they’re going to get healthier.

And most likely they’re going to want to come in and seek your consultation, your care because you’re being their coach. So with the company you want to have personalized and company goals. So encourage the employee to involve their family. To join in on these activities, along with meeting your company-wide objectives for the employer.

So these are the 24 things that you can offer that will help you get more people. Into wellbeing in the workplace. All right. So number one is we’re going to talk about what we can do for the eat better, right? Feed them healthy food. So these are four ideas in the eat better category. Have them organize monthly, healthy potlucks.

Everybody in the office brings in a healthy dish and they all eat lunch together. That’s a huge team building thing. Maybe they swap recipes. Maybe they make a whole recipe book for the whole office, of healthy foods. Stop offering low quality snacks. How many of these places have like vending machines with candy and cookie and things.

Stop offering soda, latent sugar drinks, right? Make sure you know that they have a water cooler. And then I’ll tell you a little bit. By doing this, you can merge this into some other challenges a drinking water challenge. So make it really fun and rewarding. So maybe you order in lunch for these employers or the employers order for their employees, especially during crunch times or certain big projects.

Did they feel like validated for doing all of this hard work? And then we for the move better, we want to get them to maybe get a small trampoline in the office. And maybe when they take a little break, they go and jump on the trampoline a little bit. And I can tell you that you can’t jump on a little mini trampoline without having fun.

And so that’s going to boost your circulation. Your you’re going to get a little exercise and it’s going to be fun. And who wouldn’t want to see either. They’re a fellow employee jumping on trampoline. It would be funny too, right? So have them participate in a 5k race together, or maybe your office could do that with them.

Maybe you can help sponsor a 5k race. Maybe you contribute to one and get them all, the same t-shirts but get them involved in something where they’re actually active, maybe turn their meetings into a walking meeting where they’re actually, going outside. And especially if this goes along with the business’s mission.

Think about that. How about a step a day challenge challenges. These employers love challenges so that everybody is, posting their steps, how many steps they did that day. Maybe they take a screenshot of their Fitbit or their apple watch or whatever way they’re counting at their pedometer.

And they have a step challenge and they motivate and encourage. Each other, so it’s going to just help them be healthier. So the challenges that are so fun, they can have a random act of kindness challenge. And so in our office, we do different themes of promotions every month. And they’re in line with what our national things did.

You know that there’s like a national random acts of kindness week. So what if during national random acts of kindness week, you had a random acts of kindness challenge where each person in the office had to secretly go and do something really nice for one of their fellow employees. Would that be really cool?

Don’t you think that would build excitement and bonding within the team? Helps their bottom line. Cause they’re more productive. They’re happier to be at work. There’s less presenteeism, alas, less absenteeism. So you could do monthly and weekly fitness challenges. You can do weight loss challenges you could do.

Oh, Watertown. So let’s say you got rid of the soda machine and you put in a water cooler and now you’re going to have an eight day a glass of eight glasses of water a day. Water challenge and everybody’s doing it. Maybe they’re doing tears with their water, glass to each other, make it fun.

You can have a seven hours of sleep challenge. So if the employer has employees coming in and they’re always tired, I’m so tired. I didn’t sleep good last night and you start to really encourage them to get sleep and make that a priority. And maybe you reward the winner. That. And when everybody’s doing it together, it really kicks in and makes that excitement to build the momentum.

And you can be as the doctor, you can have meetings with them virtual or in person once a week and check in on them. You. Be the scorekeeper and keep the score. You choose the winner, but you want to be involved with their wellness because they’re going to have other questions about other personal health related problems that you could most likely help them with.

So why not? These are my, why not? Why not? Give an employee, a vacation day on their birthday. Don’t you think that’s a really great birthday present? I think that is a really awesome schedule a recess, maybe schedule a recess once a week, once a month. Whenever it works for the employer and have them all go do something fun, maybe they all, go outside and.

Throw a softball back and forth, whatever it is, it’s going to be on a mission for that company, make it fun, or create an acknowledgement jar. So if they have a jar and that somebody is doing something really awesome, or they helped you in some way is put a little note, put it, and they acknowledgement jar.

And maybe once a week, when they have their office meetings, you read those off. That is really good for morale boosting and motivation. And more people are going to do really good things because they want to be in the acknowledgement jar, right? Why not so healthy goal of the week? So every week you could that wellness governor could make a different, healthy goal.

And then everybody tries to achieve that goal. And you could be the one as the doc to help them set up. Good healthy goals are now how about for, just for the fun of it. These are my favorite ones, right? So you can have the employer can give a gift card away for a major product completion or a sales goal.

So they actually give them a physical reward and maybe they tell them ahead of time Hey, if we reach this goal, You’re going to get this extra, this right. We could even be like a team experience. Maybe they go to one of those escape rooms or they have a lunch at somebody’s house, or they all go out and do something together and have an experience together because it’s going to make their team much more cohesive.

So if they could go out to lunch to celebrate new hires or celebrate. People who are retiring or work anniversaries or birthdays. So those are all really good things to celebrate their employees. They can make their office pet friendly if it’s appropriate for their business, because we know pets are really good for wellbeing, they calm people down and who wouldn’t want to have their pet around. And then of course, make sure you appoint that employee. As a wellbeing governor. So I hope this gave you lots and lots of ideas to do, oh, I have a few more, I guess I didn’t even know this is productivity, creativity, and education.

So we want to. Flexible work hours because that really helps them. Maybe they have to pick up their kids from the babysitters or something like that. That’s going to really help. And they’re going to say wow, my employer really understands the things I have to do in my world. So I’m going to work really hard when I’m here so I can get it done.

You can post tips for relieving back pain, strain, ergonomics, little sitting exercises, anything that you can do to help them during their day. Stay maintaining. You can have a note talk Tuesday. This means, sometimes you, there’s a lot of little chitchat in the office and everybody’s chattering and they’re just not getting their work done.

And they just want time to focus and concentrate on things. And maybe it’s a no talk Tuesday where everybody’s quiet and just does their work. And then of course definitely. Offered to be a lunch and learn speaker. So if you, as the doc are involved in doing these challenges, these little wellbeing workshops and all kinds of things with them, they’re going to have more health questions for you.

They’re going to say, my back’s been hurting me. What could I do for you? Come in, make an appointment. We’ll be happy to help you. I’ve been having headaches. I don’t know if it’s the glare on my computer or my neck is hurting me and you’re going to be their go-to for everything, wellness, everything health.

So I want you guys to all go. Into your community, contact the employers everybody’s been cooped up during COVID and be sure to interact with these people. They are looking for this right now. This is a huge chance for you to help. Lots of people get lots of people in your practice and improve other businesses in your community.

So that’s it for today. I want you to be sure to give ChiroSecure, lots of love, lots of hearts. Cause we appreciate them so much and be sure to check out empowering women and two weeks. And we’ll be having a new host and I’m sure lots of great information. So have a good day and I’ll be seeing you soon.

Bye bye.

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We hope you enjoy this week’s Facebook live event, please like us on Facebook comment and share. We look forward to seeing all of you next week for another episode of Empowering Women in Chiropractic. Now go ahead and hit the share button and tell your friends and colleagues about the show. Thank you for watching.

Have a beautiful day. This has been a ChiroSecure production. .