Chiropractic Malpractice Insurance – Drugging of Our Children – Part 2

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Hello, doctors. This is Dr. Claudia Anrig. I am a family medical chiropractor practicing for over 40 years in Fresno, California. And in my field of expertise that actually created the category of a family wellness chiropractic. It had never been termed that way, but as I had a very large practice a decade ago myself and a colleague of mine, Dr.

Judy Forster, we started going out and teaching seminars to doctors of chiropractic, how to grow a family wellness practice and so forth. And so we termed that, that term family wellness chiropractic. I worked with Dr. Larry Webster I was the first president after his passing. I was his lead person.

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I was I was his person. He and I created the ICPA certification program. I served on the board for over 20 years, taught for the program as well. And so I have a lot of influence within this beautiful area of Family Chiropractic on a worldwide basis. And then also I am the co editor of, and this is the third edition of Pediatric Chiropractic.

It’s, this is an amazing book. It’s just huge. And we have over nine techniques in there. We have everything from prenatal in that chapter, amazing work pregnancy exercise. We have breastfeeding in there. We have how to work with tongue tie. We have the amazing Monica Berger dealing with how to work with neurosensory issues and so forth.

And it is just an amazing book, a testament to the fact that we are well educated, When it comes to family wellness practice. And so what I’d like to do is number one, I like to thank ChiroSecure for just allowing me to present to you as my colleagues to hopefully make a different in your life as well.

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And so I’m ready to show you going into the drugging of children part. Part two part one, for those of you, if you missed out on it, it had everything to do with over the counter medication, guesstimating that’s a terrible thing, and then off labeling. And if you missed it make sure you discover it, go through it, and there will be other parts of the drug in children in the future.

One of the things that we want to talk about is if you need more information from me, Please go to my website, DrClaudiaOnRig. com. Not only am I a practicing chiropractor, but I teach seminars, something called First Adjustment. I do four a year, just teaching you the ins and outs of family wellness practice and four hours of technique.

I’ve introduced recently pelvic floor, everything you would need to know from a chiropractic perspective. That’s in there. I have a section called Free Stuff, so just download some free flyers and things like that. That’s another tool up for you to use and to see what the latest. And of course, make sure you get the third edition of the textbook.

It is so important because you need a reference book, something to go back to whether it’s orthopedic tests, neuro tests, working with special needs. All of that is an important part of our responsibility. It’s providing the best for the pediatric and pregnancy arena and so forth. Docs, one of the areas I want to talk about is the shamefulness of how many kids are being exposed to antibiotics.

And one of the first things that a baby already at 12 weeks old, 16 weeks, all of a sudden they could have just a drooling mouth, they’ve got just a runny nose, it looks feverish, and they might be pulling on the ear. And the sad thing is that so many children, while they’re teething, it’s the first time that a it might be the first time that a parent is bringing their child to the pediatrician’s office and all of a sudden, they’re going to end up with being on an antibiotic.

And so over 25 million children are being seen in a pediatrics office for otitis media. Now, otitis media chiropractors is not an infection. It’s an inflammation. It might be an ache, but it’s not an infection. But 12 million children are going to end up with an antibiotic. And that’s a shame of things is that they’re getting an antibiotic for something.

Let me get myself a little bit better in the screen. They’re getting an antibiotic for something that they don’t need. And so it’s an inflammation in the middle ear. And so this is one of our concerns that we want everybody to do is really make sure that you have the best education that you can in the practice itself and so forth.

So doctors, what’s really frightening and is that after reviewing over a hundred studies, they found out that if they were giving eight kids the antibiotic, it would only help one child. And so talk about, they’re always saying, to, as to chiropractors, where’s your current research?

Where’s evidence base? That’s a bunch of hogwash that it, is evidence based. Now, I know we need research, And we need amazing research in pregnancy and pediatrics, but look at this one here. As a chiropractor, if we gave aid adjustments, but we could only help one person, they would run us out of town and tar and feather us and so forth.

And so the sad thing is here is that antibiotics are being overused. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics knows about it. But the sad thing is that most people are not aware. with these studies that if I’m going to give antibiotics to eight, it’s only going to help one. As a matter of fact, they did a study of watching kids They gave them those who had inflammation in the ear, otitis media, and so forth.

What they did was they gave one group placebo, and they gave the other group antibiotics. And basically, in one week, the placebo group did actually pretty good. If you think about, it was only a 13 percent difference by having the antibiotics. So there is something to be said of waiting and watching and resting.

Imagine if this study had chiropractors adjusting the kids, our numbers would have been way, way up and so forth. And so one of the things is a downside. The downside of the antibiotics is we, the downside of something is building up resistance. And so what happens is when you build up a resistance it makes the children more susceptible.

As a matter of fact, one of the number kind of scary things that are out there is that when parents have their kids in the bigger, the daycare center, the more the issues it is, versus maybe a small home setting. If they have to have their child at a sitter, The smaller the group, probably the healthier it is.

But the more the rest of the children are on antibiotics the children who are receiving antibiotics on a regular basis built resistance. And then guess what? They become a carrier of the resistance. So you’re non antibiotic child is going to be possibly exposed to the antibiotic resistance because they’re around a carrier and being passed this on.

So this is stuff that nobody talks about in this kind of keeping the secret on the whole antibiotic route of things. And then there’s another one, Little Gould. has done a great job at making awareness on when it comes to the overusage of antibiotics. And they did a study that basically said, you know what, let’s just wait and watch.

Let’s don’t jump into the use of antibiotics, but if you would wait and watch, because it’s really it’s a marginal, good outcome with the kids. And even the American Academy of Pediatrics at a time, they had suggested guidelines that basically for kids with ear, It’s also due to wait and watch, but they don’t really fall through with it.

And the reason why, and you can see it from their perspective, they don’t have time to tell the parent, let’s just go Let’s just wait and watch, 24 to 48 hours to 72 hours, and instead they give the antibiotics because they don’t have time for the parent to come back, and a lot of times parents don’t even want to come back, and so the sad thing is Otitis Media, and so the sad thing is Otitis Media.

is fluid behind the ear and with the fluid behind the ear, docs, they’re they’re receiving an antibiotic. And by the way, the research of science shows you cannot treat fluid behind the ear with an antibiotic. And even though maybe the parent or the pediatrician is using it for pain management, it’s the wrong it’s the wrong diagnosis and it’s the wrong use of medication.

And this brings us back to basically, it can, a lot of these children. Can have horrific side effects to the antibiotics. 50 percent of them can end up with diarrhea and severe vomiting 5 percent have a really severe allergic reaction and going back to again the guidelines 48 hours to 72 hours and as so many parents again go to urgent care go to their pediatrician They’re getting the antibiotics not thinking twice the long term outcome of that.

There was a study that was done out in New Zealand They show that children under the age of six receive antibiotics that increase the likelihood of childhood obesity by two fold. So that’s a step that they’re just finally paying attention to it. And again, from the Weight and Watch, this is again from the medical community, it’s what they should be doing.

But they’re not doing for the kids. And then basically it’s this wait, I’m just showing the research after research that they’re not paying attention to, but that’s their conclusions, but they’re not paying, they’re not paying attention to it and they’re not advising their patients what best practices would be.

And here’s some of the side effects. You’d recognize these drugs. Moxicillin and so forth, and they have a different product names, basically diarrhea, there’s hives, yeast infections, and so forth. And if they have a reaction to any form of penicillin, these kids should not be receiving these drugs. Doctors, the Citro, K flax, K fab, upset stomach, nauseousness, vomiting, depression, white bloat, stunk out.

And again, if any of these kids, this could be cautionary that they could end up with kidney or liver issues. So if they have a pre existing problem, these medications should not be prescribed to them. And often too, this, the parents don’t ask the nurse practitioner or the pediatrician sometimes for the side effects.

And often, since they’re in a hurry to pick up the drugs, they’re not even taking time with the pharmacist to see if this was the right prescription for their child. And then we have A lot of contraindications with there and they shouldn’t be using it and so forth. But again, depression, moods, changes, dizziness, rash, anemia are some of the side effects to theirs.

And so this is just things that we want you to know because you are, you have children in your office that are using antibiotics and the parents don’t know the side effects. And this is a step that I looked into, I’ve researched through it and I just put it together in a format. That’s very teachable for individuals to use.

Erythromycin systemic skin rashes, and, again, the contraindications that they have allergies to the drugs. But we live in an antibiotic society. It may, as you, as my fellow colleagues, you probably, unless your kid was in a life or death situation, you’re not using antibiotics with your kids, but there are going to be hands full.

So kids, if not more of that in your practice, they’re using these antibiotics. And so what we need to know is, why are the pediatricians so slow in this uptake? Old indoctrination, they’re afraid of some doctors of mastoiditis, which is again, with a mass with severe mastoiditis that the, that group of children do need to have an antibiotic.

But that’s a real rare exception for using it, but advertisement. It’s all over the place. I’m sharing with the parents and these ads. It’s safe. Let’s use antibiotics for your kids because we want your kids to be healthy without any kind of pain. And so again the wisdom from us as parents, as family, as chiropractors, please encourage them for waiting at least a 72 hour period of time.

Get those kids adjusted on a daily basis, even if you have to see them twice a day. Do maybe clean up their diet from sugar, dairy products, and so forth. Maybe homeopathy could be used in there, other nutritional products that you might be using in your office, but they need you to encourage them to wait and help them get over what’s happening with these kiddos.

And doctors, again, the pediatrician or a nurse practitioner or urgent, any, the urgent care docs and so forth, it’s easy to prescribe. But it’s the long term effects of these kids from resistance to reaction to upset stomachs and heartburn and so forth. There’s just so many side effects that we truly should think twice and why, heaven forbid, we, with over a hundred studies, doctors, why would we, why would we surrender our children that one child would be helped, but you have to treat eight?

It makes no logical sense whatsoever. And docs this is that take home message. Think about family wellness, educate your parents about this, put them on another track of information. For my Generations member, please use your wellness family newsletters, your flyers on the inside of your office to, to educate those parents.

And docs, here’s a scary one. Number one cause for being in the hospital in the emergency room for, and also for school absences. Number one cause. The school absence is asthma, and so that’s a biggie, and it’s also a reason for, it’s in Social Security and Disability Resource Center, it’s up by 75%. It’s a huge uptick.

We have very unhealthy kids, whatever the reason for the trigger, and I won’t get into, what might the mechanisms of injuries, chemical injuries that are causing an uptick. of asthma in North America and so forth. It’s a big, fast diagnosis and on top of it, nine million children will have that diagnosis and four million children will have some form of an asthma attack on an annual basis.

And doctors, the treatments, again, whether they’re done in a hospital, whether they’re in an urgent care setting, or The treatment plans that they have for children at home, taking drugs and so forth. And some of it can be like the bronchodilators of some of those tools. Their docs will be dizziness, flush face, headaches, increased heart rate, nervousness.

And again, these kids shouldn’t be using the the contraindications for it if they have an allergy for it. But you’ll see these medications. To the left side on the bronchial dilators. And this is something that is used all the time with the children. And and if they’re in middle school and high school, often they have these drugs that they have in as inhalers so that this is it’s in their backpack of life.

And they know that they can use it before they even do a sport and so forth. And some of the other products like Singulair, Accolade, that this is a medication that they’re taking on a daily basis. Headaches. Nauseous, Diarrhea, Abdominal Pain, Weakness, Dizziness, Muscle Aches, and Fever. And how many parents when, if you’ve ever seen a child in an asthma an asthma attack, it does break your heart.

It does. If you’ve seen it, you don’t wish that upon anybody. I just have to say, look, I’ve been in the field of family wellness and, Sing babies from newborns all the way to adolescents. And my true wellness practice, they’re healthy. They get regular chiropractic care twice a month or once a month.

They they eat clean. Be honest, they’re on Vax. A majority of that category. Those kids there, none of my kids have infections. Some of my kids have asthma. Now again, I have no science or research behind it, but I’ve got try 40 years of seeing kids and now the, my baby’s all grown up.

They’re getting married and having their babies, and I’m doing a second generation of these kids not having, being exposed to these kind of products and so forth, and so we could have probably in your wellness practice, you might be able to help these kids out, and if I was, by the way, dealing with an asthmatic child coming in, And this is a non wellness parent.

My recommendation is usually as far as a frequency of care is I recommend for them to come in maybe twice a week until the child is 50 percent improved. And again, improvement would be maybe a better breathing days, a less use of inhalers and so forth. And by the way, as a chiropractor, I don’t put kids on drugs.

I don’t take them off of drugs and so forth, but you notice their quality of life busier, less fatigue and so forth. And then once a You’re adjusting them twice a week, then possibly go down to once a week, and do their 75 to 80 percent better, and then you go from there. And so that would be a protocol for care in this area for the children.

The inhaled steroids, and this is very common also for the kids. They just, they carry it everywhere they go. They have, again, from their doctors, they have A notice that’s written either by the doctor or by the parent that my child has to have this inhaler on campus or in their backpack and so forth.

And again, what’s really interesting if we start adjusting this population group, the first thing they do is they stop using their inhalers. because they don’t need it. They haven’t had an episode. So that’s the fun thing as a chiropractor is that we’re not, again, not taking kids off of a medication, but they’re just using their inhaler a lot less because they haven’t had any episodes.

So that’s a good tool for us to have. The oral steroids. This is, we see this a lot less. The oral steroids would be when somebody was probably maybe in the hospital. They had a severe episode and they’re using some form of prednisone, a heavy steroid base. This is not going to be your average child in your practice.

This is somebody who went to the emergency room. The physicians there in the ER room treat it this way and they’ll slowly come off of the oral steroids and go back to their medication and their inhalers that they’re using. Docs and other products that they’re using here. Products, again the Durafel, Bronchodil anyway, these are not the more common ones, but the nervousness, headache, mits, irritability, those would be some of those tools you’re using, and possible long term effects would be that they could end up, it’s interesting with these drugs, that they think that there might be a link to learning disabilities later on.

Now, if your parents knew, If they were given this prescription drug, that if my kid was using it long term, that there could be learning disabilities. How many parents would think twice about it or look for an alternative? That would be something for them to think about. And so this is why Docs, as we in part two, and we is the fact that these drugs the antibiotics, which is really frightening, and then the use of the asthma drugs, is it all from, everything has a risk to it.

And the first one is use of antibiotics is unscientific, and the most important thing from every research article that I’ve read, that people are really questioning the system, they all say wait and watch. Even the guidelines that were recommended to the American Academy of Pediatrics says let’s slow it down folks, but nobody has time, our culture doesn’t have time.

I wish everybody could spend a year in Europe. And see how nobody takes drugs at all, they just don’t. I wish we could model them because they have a healthier society and so forth, but as you being their family wellness chiropractor, imagine your internal education, getting the facts, getting the information.

And it excites me that this is something certainly that you can do. And we wish you, as a fact, as if you could be the resource teller, the person who sets it in truth. and so forth, they’ll begin to question it and look for alternative ways. And who better than you? It’s our family wellness chiropractor to sit them on the on the axis of truth, to at least learn on the other side of what’s out there.

And number two, give them some other alternatives that could be natural for them to embrace. For those who want that kind of change, it’s you, the family wellness chiropractor, that can make the difference and getting these children into a healthier lifestyle. We’ll see you guys take good care and we’ll see you in the future for a next a next drugging of children part three.

Today’s pediatrics show, To the Children, was brought to you by ChiroSecure.


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