Conservative lower back treatment reduces inhibition in knee extensor muscles…

A ChiroSecure Research Update

Conservative lower back treatment reduces inhibition in knee extensor muscles: a randomized controlled trial

ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to assess whether conservative low back treatment reduces lower limb muscle inhibition (MI).

In a randomized, controlled, double-blind study the effects of conservative lower back treatment on knee-extensor strength and MI were evaluated in patients with AKP.

DISCUSSION: Knee-joint pathologies, such as anterior knee pain (AKP), are associated with strength deficits and reduced activation of the knee extensors, which is referred to as muscle inhibition (MI). MI is thought to prevent full functional recovery, and treatment modalities that help to reduce or eliminate MI appear necessary for successful rehabilitation.

Clinical observations suggest that AKP is typically associated with sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction. It is unknown whether Sl-joint dysfunction contributes to knee-extensor deficits and whether correction of SI-joint dysfunction alleviates MI.

Twenty-eight patients with AKP were randomly assigned to either a treatment or a control group. After a lower back functional assessment, the treatment group received a conservative treatment in the form of a chiropractic spinal manipulation aimed at correcting SI-joint dysfunction. The control group underwent a lower back functional assessment but received no joint manipulation. Before and after the manipulation or the lower back functional assessment, knee-extensor moments, MI, and muscle activation during full effort, isometric knee extensions were measured.

Patients showed substantial MI in both legs. Functional assessment revealed SI-joint dysfunction in all subjects (23 symptomatic and 5 asymptomatic). After the SI-joint manipulation, a significant decrease in MI of 7.5% was observed in the involved legs of the treatment group. MI did not change in the contralateral legs of the treatment group or the involved and contralateral legs of the control group. There were no statistically significant changes in knee-extensor moments and muscle activation in either group.

CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that SI-joint manipulation reduces knee-extensor MI. Spinal manipulation may possibly be an effective treatment of MI in the lower limb musculature.

REFERENCE: Bray, R., MD, Herzog, W., PhD, McMorland, G., DC, Suter, E., PhD, Conservative lower back treatment reduces inhibition in knee extensor muscles:a randomized controlled trial. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2000;23:76–80),