Epigenetics, Chiropractic and the Future of Precision Health – Grill-Petersen

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Hi everyone. I’m Dr. Melissa here with you today at the impact factor show. This has been fun today. You know, technology is one of the things we’re going to talk about today. It’s one of our greatest leavers to be able to truly scale and grow our reach and our impact, but it can also create curveballs like it did today and getting this show out. So we had to improvise right now, I’m with you on my phone. However, the great thing is, is I’m dedicated to still bringing you wonderful content. All right. So let’s kind of jump in today. Um, you know, I feel there’s some very important conversations that, um, that need to be brought to the forefront right now, especially in our profession. One of the things that’s so beautiful about chiropractic, you know, is of course we are profession founded on principle, natural health from above, down and inside out.

I can remember being in school many years ago. I won’t say how long ago. And at that time there was this huge debate between if you were straight or you were mixer, and there was really this division line and it meant something to just be straight hands only. And while I absolutely love our foundational principles, understanding that we are a profession that uses our hands, we are B, we are able to truly come in and connect with another human being, to assess what is happening in their body to be able to detect and correct where there’s interference, right, where there’s interference with that life force is of course, what we know as subluxation and this idea of removing the interference and allowing that life force that innate intelligence to kind of do what it does. Well, of course that’s what we were based on, but we are now living in a really interesting modern world.

Are we not? And so I’m going to invite you today. I have no idea if you went to school in a time, or maybe this is still part of your reality, if there’s a conversation around straight or mixers, but today I want to invite you into the fact that we all, whether we like it or not have to be mixers by the very fact of using technology like this, we’re coming into a time where things are rapidly changing and the future is faster than you think. I have been fortunate enough for really the past almost decade to be, um, kind of an early adopter into the field of epigenetics and then into precision health and medicine, and really looking at genetics as the human blueprint and understanding epigenetics to me really is an extension of chiropractic because it’s the science and the understanding of how right, our outer world and our, our interactions within it, isn’t forming our very genetic codes.

So I like to think of it as the communication highway between the outer world and the inner world in each and every moment, the body is always on the lookout to determine, is it safe to go out there and thrive? Or is it not? And of course, based on the external conditions, well, that’s laying down information. It’s laying down, literally marks methylation marks that are placed and given to the next generation. Now these are not genetic mutations. They’re literally like marks and pencil to say, Hey, this is what’s happening on this day in time. Now, why am I telling you this? Because, because of my ability to be in this environment of precision health, through epigenetics, I want to pose a couple of things. First and foremost, epigenetics understands that outer world is informing inner world. Well, that’s exactly what above, down and inside out understands there’s information coming from the outside in that’s impacting and affecting our ability to express our innate potential.

And so I pose that chiropractors are perfectly positioned to truly be the leaders in this conversation around epigenetics and moving into more of a precision based model when it comes to health and human thriving. And because the future is faster than we think because of modern technology, because of things like unexpected pandemics, we are now seeing an influx and a rapid uptick in of course tele-health. But what I want to share with you today is not just telehealth and being able to have a way to communicate with clients and patients through our phones and through zoom and computer screens, but something even more exciting is happening, which can impact us as providers. And I want to let you know about this. So right now we are really less than 18 to 24 months away from new technologies being leveraged and utilized in health verticals that will forever change how healthcare is being delivered.

One such methodology is virtual reality, virtual reality, and augmented reality are two tools that are coming in. They are readily, they’re already being used in some therapeutic settings, but they’re getting ready to come in and be deployed if you will, at a global scale, um, beginning in as little as 18 to 24 months. And it’s going to be something that is really can be something I’m telling you, not for us to be, but to understand that technology is coming in and it’s going to be used and can be leveraged for us as providers as a tool. If we understand it, if we can become early adopters, if we can really realize that, yes, we are rooted in ancient principles and teachings for natural health and healing, and yet the world is advancing more and more every day through technology. So how do we, instead of being at odds with it back to the mixers in the streets, how do we find common ground and how do we actually begin to think as early adopters?

How do we, you know, I look, and I can tell you, I believe that chiropractors and the field of chiropractic was really quite a visionary approach while yes, it’s all about innate natural healing. What we as providers have in today’s modern healthcare landscape is an advantage to what most doctors of other degrees have. And what I mean is this, because I’ve worked with every type of provider over the last decade, plus in the integrative health and wellness space, I have a whole network of incredible friends that are MDs and dos and NDS, and, and of course, DCS and NPS and NAS. I mean, there’s all the degrees, right? All the people out there. But if, if, if a provider has come from a traditional allopathic teaching background, they don’t quite understand in the healing, right? It wasn’t part of their vernacular. It wasn’t part of the philosophy of what they were taught.

Um, it was more input output. And so if there’s a symptom, then there’s a pill, right? If you have this, you’re going to give this and, and modern science has had to, or, uh, rather, um, allopathic care has to kind of be that way yet the truth in when I say chiropractors were visionaries, what we have always understood, even if, well, over a hundred years ago, the diagnostics weren’t there to validate it. There was a knowing that wait, it’s more than just one input equals one output. This system is dynamic is complex. And so now where we’re at, I’m going to keep kind of stay with me. I’m weaving these elements together. And I’m going to give you some thoughts to consider about how you can really look at your own opportunities as a doctor of chiropractic, to really leverage technology, to continue to be a trailblazer, to continue to go out and really be the leader, not only in your local community, but on a larger level, if you choose.

And so now here’s a few things you already knew that system was complex. Most allopathic, clinicians and physicians don’t really understand that it’s not until they go out into practice and they do one input equals one output and they recognize, well, the pills aren’t actually correcting the ills. And so then they have to give more pills and more pills. And of course there is no lasting solution, right? And so it’s when they go far enough down that path, or they become disillusioned that they kind of pull back and say, well, wait, what’s really going on here. And I will tell you, and of course you probably know this more and more clinicians of all backgrounds and types are understanding that this human system is complex and dynamic. And there is more than just a single, even a single adjustment doesn’t allow for all of the inputs that single adjustment does remove interference, but where did the interference come from?

Where is it present in their daily lives, in their environment? And what is the full impact, the full impact that, that subluxation and many of us have people that come back again and again and again. So there’s chronicity. Why are there chronic subluxations? Why is there chronicity of who’s showing up in our practice? And this is again, the science of epigenetics is the fact that we are complex bioinformatic organisms, that a single input does not create a single output. And this is actually good. This is actually good because you’re going to be able to leverage this in a way that can take you into the virtual space. It can allow you to use tools like AR and VR. It can allow you to create more of a precision model within your current practice. So stay with me. I’m going to continue to thread this needle for you.

And as we’re going, I don’t know if I can see questions, but if you guys have them, I’d love for you to drop anything in the chat. Um, you know, if there’s something specific you want to know about, then I would love, love, love to be able to have some kind of dialogue with you. If I’m not able to answer it here alive right now, of course I will absolutely come back and communicate. Um, because I’m all about wanting to make sure that you, my fellow peers have this information and these resources. So let’s go back to kind of where we’re at. Um, so obviously more over the past year, right? Tele-health has really increased and people are not coming in as frequently. People are still coming into our practices, but people are now understanding, well, wait, is the, is there something else? Is there another way?

And so, um, when we realize that what major companies are doing right now is putting literally billions of dollars into leveraging technology so that healthcare can become instead of a one size fits most into precision. So let’s keep going down. This lane of what’s coming with the future is faster than you think I’m going to connect it back to the epigenetics, and I’m going to connect it back to your office. So with the understanding that our genetic code, the fact that we can now order a 23andme test kit, and we can get back information on our very genetic blueprint, our blueprint is potential. It’s not our destiny, just because you have the code doesn’t mean the code expresses what informs the code or the signals from the outer world, all these myriad of inputs, not a single input, but all these inputs, right from the air, we’re breathing, the foods, we’re eating the relationships.

We’re in the bed. We sleep in the products we put on our skin, the quality of our air outside, the how much sunlight exposure we get on and on and on and on the list goes every millisecond there’s inputs coming into our system, that’s informing our genetic potential. Now this is where it gets super interesting. So in the field of advanced science and futures faster than you think what’s happening right now is that, um, you may or may not know, but there are things like gene editing and gene therapy, we’re literally research dollars are going into looking at genetic mutations, being able to take out part of that code to completely eradicate like sickle cell is one of the very promising, um, genetic diseases that within really the next five to 10 years, we’re going to be at a time where gene editing is going to be very normal.

And we’re going to, it’s going to be part of, kind of a clinical solution depending on how children are born into the world. So we’re going to have things like CRISPR at our fingertips to be able to look at working with that genetic code. We have nanotechnology that’s coming in that literally. I mean, it really is. It’s, it’s so fascinating. The things that are coming, um, but nanotechnology are, is going to be able to go in. So right now we have wearable technology, things that we wear on the outside of our body. Maybe you use them, maybe you don’t more than 526 million people use wearable devices, wearable devices, to have a better understanding about what’s happening in their system. And what I personally love about wearable technology is it’s an interface between the outer world and the inner world. So think about how many people have zero awareness, right?

Or minimal awareness between their head and their body. Like they’re in denial that they’re stressed, they’re in denial. That there’s anything wrong, right? Like they’re in denial that they are exhausted that they’re behind, they’re beating their body up and wearing it down, which we know as doctors and clinicians, that if they keep wearing their bodies down, if they don’t take the time to rest and reset, right. Healing cannot. So they come to you saying, Hey, I heard give me an adjustment and fix me. And they expect you to do it in one or two or three visits, but they’re not willing to take ownership over their own health. You are not the person that’s supposed to fix them. They have to become empowered and engaged and an advocate to their own health, which is what wearable technology is now able to do and facilitate because their brain, they may be in denial to themselves.

But the moment they look down at their wearable tech and they see their HRV stress score. And they’re like, Holy crap. I didn’t think I was stressed, but I’m really stressed. They see their oxygen saturation, they see their body battery and they cannot deny the fact that they’re not recovering, that they’re not getting deep sleep, right? They’re not getting these essential ingredients that are important to you as their doctor to be able to leverage and educate on so that they can do more than take two steps forward. And three steps back. You are not here to just be a symptom manager, right? As a doctor, you are a teacher. You’re an educator. You’re a guide on this process, not just a healing because we’ve been living in a world of surviving and just getting by of symptom management. And most of the dollars when we look at the pie of healthcare, the majority of the dollars are spent on the 20% of the population that has sickness and disease.

The 80% that does not yet in sickness and disease that is saying, Hey, what’s out there for me. There’s, there’s very little right now. That’s actively out there for them because all the dollars are spent on sickness and disease. But guess what? There’s a larger piece of the pie that doesn’t want to become sick. They don’t want to become disease. And they’re also not buying into the story of maintenance and prevention prevent. I don’t want it like who wants to think about preventing a heart attack? I’d much rather go out and be unstoppable. I’d much rather go out and be vital and vibrant. I want to be optimized. I want to be at my peak. So the narrative and the story that we have been sharing for so long as clinicians, it’s not resonating anymore. So there’s a big mismatch and this 80% that doesn’t want to get sick and disease, there’s really no path for them.

I want you to think about that. What could that mean for you? What could that mean for you to really go into precision health and optimization? Instead of look sick, people are still going to come in. You still get to work your magic on people that are, are in a state of dysfunction. Because if we now come back again, stay with me, I’m going to weave all of this together and put it in a nice, pretty bow before we wrap up here in 10 minutes. And so now all of a sudden, right, like what I wanted you to know is we have this wearable technology that people are using, but it’s going to go even deeper than that. The nanotechnology is going to be able to come into the system and read the system real time where we are heading is precision. The way that AR and VR is going to be utilized is in, in pairing with the moment there’s the genetic blueprint and they understand the potential and they understand, Oh, you have a propensity to have insulin dysregulation.

Let’s just go with that. This is a really, this is a really normal one. And then of course the foods that we’re eating, the stressors that we’re putting ourselves under are fueling that blueprint of potential. That’s already innately there, but it’s like we put gas on the fire every day. And it’s more than just the food. That’s another talk for another time. But what happens is now like with the AR the augmented reality, if you’ve ever watched, um, a Marvel superhero movie, if you know who Tony stark is, Tony stark had the glasses, right. And inside of the iron man suit, there was those feedback that the feed out, um, what am I trying the readout, right? Like Jarvis is talking to him and you can see all the little things. Well, that’s what augmented reality is. We’re going to be able to have these glasses that we’re able to project and see things within current reality and add to it.

And so now you go into a restaurant and it understands your genetic potential. And it’s also now reading your, your HRV, your stress levels. It’s, it’s, um, getting feedback time on your pulse and your heart rate. And it’s seen that you’re in a stressed situation and you’re wanting to go for the ice cream and chips, or, you know, a hamburger and French fries and what the AR is going to have the capability to do is to remove those items from the menu so that you actually only see the items that are most optimal for your system at that time and gang, no, I’m not sitting here telling you science fiction. I’m telling you what is in development. I know this because I’m in partnership with a large company out of Europe, that they are the forerunners in the health and wellness and lifestyle space with AR and VR.

I’ve, I’ve seen the plans. I know the, the billions of dollars that are flooded into this company. And this is just one of many, just one of many. And they’re in the field dedicated to thriving health verticals, entertainment, sports education. Um, and so now we’re coming into a time, again, the big point I’m wanting you to know, is it lots of money is being spent on technology for precision medicine, but you can already begin to get precise in your practice today. And if we really get honest with ourselves as providers, and now we think through the lens of I’m a chiropractor, I assess for interference to the system. I’m looking for these subluxations, where’s the interference. So now let’s go back to epigenetics is the communication pathway between the outer world and the inner world. What to the, to the degree that the quality. Now, we’re going to think about the quality of information.

The quality of the inputs coming into the system are in direct correlation to the expression of the system. Okay. The expression of the cells of our biochemistry, of our nervous system, of our parasympathetic parasympathetics of our, of our neuro-transmitters of our hormones. It’s all in communication. And yes, we work with the spine that pathway between brain and body. Yet, if you stop for a moment and say, great, here’s a subluxation here’s interference. I’m going to go in and precisely remove it. But then they go back to their environment, filled with all of these inputs that are going to come back in and continue to accumulate. And what is the quality of those signals? Meaning how is their daily life informing their very expression of sickness and disease of balance and homeostasis of health, of thriving, flourishing. There’s a scale from unbalanced all the way to enhanced.

And oftentimes we’re only toggling on the one side, just trying to get them out of unbalanced, out of symptomatic. I’m just back to homeostasis. But what few of us have realized, we’ve talked about the wellness continuum and maintenance, but guess what? There’s so much more than just getting to homeostasis and balance our systems embedded in our very genetic code is literally the code of life that is designed to evolve. And evolution is more than just homeostasis. And why I’m telling you this is, remember that 80%. Who’s not sick and diseased yet. Okay. They want to, they want to be super human. They want to be optimized. They want to perform at their peak. They want to be ageless. They want to live to one 50 and beyond. There’s a lot of people out there I’m in the longevity space. Like, and I’ll tell you the biggest group of biohackers, like our 30 somethings are all about saying, I want to get to one 50.

They’re not focused on it. They don’t want the story of, I want to be identified with the disease and be broken, and I need to be fixed. They’re saying, I want to be unstoppable. I want to be amazing. I want to be limitless. I want to be optimized in every way. So is there an opportunity for you and your practice to begin thinking about how can you create a story, a narrative, a deliverable that you can deliver with and through technology that people don’t have to just come into the practice. They can come into the practice, but then they can have an experience. I call it the visit beyond the visit. What touch points can you begin to think about now creating what types of content and programs that can support what you’re doing in your practice, but they speak to what happens when somebody leaves your practice.

They speak to all of these epigenetic leavers that are found in their daily lifestyle. That’s what I want you to consider and think about now, a lot of the work I do. So yes, I have a large brand in the longevity and optimization space. I do work with people’s very genetic blueprints. I get very precise and I design incredible optimization programs for them. And a lot of what I do is online. I also leverage technology. I do a lot with neurofeedback biofeedback. I do a ton with helping to optimize that parasympathetic sympathetic response, really still working through the central nervous system, right? The autonomic nervous system. And of course, chiropractic adjustments are amazing for that. But what do we do when they leave? How are you supporting your people to continue to harmonize them, optimize that vagal tone, that parasympathetic response, the more we can get them in parasympathetic and sympathetic, great, the greater, their healing, the greater their opportunity to get to homeostasis the faster you get somebody to homeostasis.

Then the fun really begins. Then you get to move into this optimization lane. So today I’m inviting you to obviously consider, okay, what is coming and, you know, are there ways that I can start looking at technology, thinking about how technology is going to continue to inform my practice and the people I care for? Are there things that I can do now that can create an even more efficient and effective experience for my current patients and clients? And is there a way that I can also have some freedom I can scale? I don’t have to just be one-on-one and my success and failure depends on how many people come through my door. Is there a way that I can start to scale my expertise into the digital space? So beyond my front facing programs and work that I do with all my longevity programs, I do mentor and work with our fellow peers, right?

Just like you, really purpose driven, mission minded, health, preneurs, that understand, I don’t want to be left behind. I want to really be able to understand what is coming and how to stay ahead of it. Remember getting well over a hundred years ago, look, BJ D D they were visionaries. They were trailblazers. They saw something that nobody else saw and they jumped in and they went out and they started to talk about it and to be about it. And they built an entire profession. We are the storytellers. The question is, what story are you going to keep telling? Is it one of limitations, sickness and disease, or are you going to get curious about the technology that is here and coming and how rapidly it is coming and how it’s no longer about let’s find the root cause what we are here? Because look, AI is going to out diagnose any of us in every field of medicine and wellness.

So it’s no longer just our beautiful brains that people are going to come to us for really what people are going to continue to need more than ever is how they retain their humanity in the face of technology. How do we leverage and harness technology to enhance thriving and flourishing? How do we continue to evolve forward into greater States of health and wellbeing? It’s all here and it’s available to each and every one of us. And I just really want to encourage you guys like understand you are leaders in the story that you get to tell can be uplifting and empowering and inspiring. And it doesn’t have to be about you’re broke. You’ve got to come to me to fix you. You’re not here to fix anybody because nobody’s broken. The system is intelligent by design. And your job as it’s always been is to identify the interference, not just in the spinal cord.

Okay. Where is that interference? And this is the epigenetics coming from the outer world that is accumulating and informing the inner world. And then the byproduct. Right? Of course, there are times that there are subluxations from physical trauma, trauma aside, acute impact aside. What’s happening with these chronic visits to your office. It’s all what happens when they leave. And I’m going to tell you, there is no fad diet. That’s a one size fits all. There’s no cure, all supplement that what drives the system. It’s so primal. It is, there is a code of life in our DNA. And it’s very simple mechanisms from out here that inform our expression of thriving in here. And the faster you learn about this and understand how you can share this, the greater side-out leader, you will continue to be that’s who you are, keep doing what you’re doing.

I’d love to be able to share with you any of my resources. If you want to know about more mentorship programs or resources, by all means, you can visit me over at docmelissa.com. That’s primarily my front facing site for my clients, but that’s going to be the best way. I’ve got a ton of resources over there. docmelissa.com. It’s super easy for my clinical programs and the stuff I’ve been doing with my fellow health preneurs like you for years is over at practiceimpactmasters.com. Either way you can find me in both places. I hope this conversation today has been insightful, inspiring, intriguing, and uplifting. And now it’s your turn to really go out there and get curious, understand that you are here to be that true

Early adopter, that trailblazer at leading the way so that you can continue to make a lasting impact in your community, your clients, and all the lives that you serve so that you can go out and have both a business and life you love.

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