Blog, Chirosecure Live Event November 9, 2022

Get Your Staff to Increase Patient Referrals


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Hello everyone. This is Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp. Welcome to Empowering Women in Chiropractic the show brought to you by ChiroSecure. Excited today to share with you what I’ve been using in my office for a long time when it comes to personality tests. So I use it in many instance in my. And one is to hire the right staff, and also for my staff to understand how to better communicate with our patients depending on their disc profile.

So by doing this obviously it can increase retention referrals, and it just makes communication easier. So let’s get started here. So the one that I’m talking about is the DISC profile. There are different ones and some of them are very similar. There’s. Some that are more complex and I would suggest to keep it simple if you want your staff to really be able to embrace it and so forth.

So let’s start with the different types here. There we go. So what I wanna cover is what the disc stands for and the different types so you can understand. And give you also names of celebrities so we can associate, I know when I explain it when I train my own staff with this, they just love seeing the personalities that have the different types, how you can leverage your staff’s strength.

This is something that I’ve learned from the beginning that it is not very productive to give a task or a role to someone. Where it doesn’t fit. So when I do a dis profile for the staff, I can gauge where they’re gonna fit better in terms of roles in the office or even, daily task.

For example, you’re not going to give your eye in your practice all the detail balancing of the accounts. That’s just would be a huge mistake. And also how to apply that in term of conversion and re. So a quick look at it here if you’re not familiar. It is called a DISC profile and what it stands for d is for dominant I is for influencer.

S is for stable or steady, and c is for compliance and cautious. And you’ll see that at the top. It’s telling us, it is telling us that the person is more outgoing. Versus more reserve or that the person is more task oriented or people’s people oriented. So 90% of all success come from your ability to read and understand people.

Imagine having a model and a system that can help process all of that information and give. The skill and your staff the skills as well. So what this is universal language of union behavior. And it is so true. Like I, I even extrapolated the disc personality. To health and the behavior of my patient.

And it is it is pretty striking how accurate it is. And when we understand we can work on our own strength and our own weaknesses it’s a neutral language does not measure values. So that’s why I always say to people when they do that test, there’s no right or wrong. Don’t think of yourself in a work environment versus in a.

Situation. It is who you are. Gives predictive measure of how people do things. What this is not a measure of intelligence, values, skills or experience. So obviously you need to take that, all these other factors in consideration when you hire. It is not either a measure of education and.

So understanding DISC allows you to know yourself, and that was a big one for me. Knowing who I was, realizing that if I have someone that’s opposite to me, it’s gonna be challenging. And if I need to make it work, then I have the tools to really connect with this person as well. Control your.

No others and meet their needs, which is what we need to do in our office. For sure. So the D style is decisive, tough, strong, will, competitive, demanding, independent self-centered meaning. How does this benefit me? What’s the bottom line? Very direct. Tells his or her opinion can I up others frequently can come across as aggressive and easily irritated.

So the D style under pressure can come across as the are lacking concern and their primary fear is. Of control. And if we look at the famous D style to do Dr. Phil’s line here, how’s that working for you? So personality that are really strong and direct, that will take charge. I am myself AD and I know that many times I.

Bite my tongue and think twice about what I’m gonna say. Because as direct as I am, I don’t wanna come across too harsh. So knowing that is very helpful. So that’s for the deep. The eye style is social friendly, talkative, open, enthusiastic, easily excited, energetic, animated, doesn’t. Too much on detail.

Has a, maybe a short attention span. Does not pay close attention. May ask the same question several times, jump from subject to subject, Stays away from hard facts. So oftentimes we have patients that are that, or oftentimes as well, we can have staff that are like that, which can make for a great happy front desk where our patients are going to be talking to them and so forth.

But you often have to reign them. Under pressure, they can be disorganized and their primary fear is not being the cool kid. So social rejection, famous eye people. Jim Carey. Jay Leno, Ashton Kucher. So they’re really outgoing. I always tell my staff that it, it is the person that when they walk in the office, you already know they’re there cuz you hear them talking and laughing.

This is who the eye personalities are. Then the S style are more calm, steady, easy going, not easily excited. Sometime, for others is a, a lower pace act. They’re careful, they’re patient, they’re mothers, trustworthy, family oriented, good listener, ask question and likes to make sure that they do the right thing.

Seems to have strong opinion, but doesn’t really, express. Nods and goes along uncomfortable with change. And I find that personally these people can make a really good front desk if they have other components of the eye and the sea, which we’re gonna go over shortly. So on their pressure there maybe they’re the type of people that are gonna say yes.

And over commit and not be able to deliver. But they’ll say yes because they want to be like, they want to to help you, but they don’t necessarily have the bandwidth to do primary fear is loss of stability. So those Staff member will not like when you’re changing things there. They’re gonna be the ones that are gonna be slower to embrace that aspect.

Famous style. The Princess Diana Mother Therea. Gandhi. So the really, I wanna say almost altruistic out, people that really want to help other people and are happy and fulfill when they can have this this kind of impact. And the last style is the C style, which is, I always say it’s the, our engineer’s precise focus on detail.

Logical, careful follows rule, formal discipline appears reserve and somewhat timid. They can ask a lot of questions. I always remember a patient who is an engineer a bit of language barrier, but he was just, and I was showing his x-rays and all of that stuff, asking about the angle.

Every visit after visit, he would question me, and to this day, he’s still a patient, but I learned that he’s a C, he’s an engineer, and he was not, doubting me. He was not questioning me. It just needed to make sense to him that I was adjusting. C2 going, right? No patients not many patient asked those detail but it was important to him.

And to this day, I need to let him know exactly what I adjusted and from what visit to the other, what I see as changes. So at first I was. It’s Oh, is he questioning me? And so forth. But now I appreciate how much he he values his health and wants to understand. So having that awareness really made me just sit back, be patient with him, and he’s become a great patient.

Does not easily express disagreement with their point of view. May have done their homework on the topic. So those are the people. We’ll have Google your office and looked at what you do and what you stand for, because they’re detail oriented and they may be critical. So sometime, again, just knowing where they’re coming from and their personality type, you’ll, you might slow down and say, Okay, I’m not gonna take this personally, this person legit legitimately, Oh, I can’t say that.

We’ll want to know exactly what’s going on, and I can only respect that because we want our patients to be empowered. So the C style under pressure, overly critical. So they may come across as they don’t like the idea, they’re shutting it down and their primary fear is criticism of work. They. Very concerned that if you ask them to do something and if they don’t do it properly, like it’s just not good for them.

Famous style people for the Star Trek fan. Spock, Einstein, Tiger Wood, Jack Nicholas. So you can, see the detail oriented and people that are gonna get really granular. With with the details of the task. So how can we use these tests to work on our staff strength. So I’ll tell you how I do things in my office and then, I’ll show you a few screenshots of some of the results.

I’m myself certified. The disc company. One of them and this is something that I did through a business coaching course and it was really valuable. So something to take into consideration or often time business coach will have that as a tool so you can hire them to do. 6, 7, 10, 20 staff and then have a training session and be able to review that.

So once we know what people are when we hire them. So this is an example of my newest hire. The c d i S is staggered. So from the slide that I show you, Top is C top left is C, Top right is d i n s. Her name is Candace and she is both a she has some C component and some eye component.

So this person is working as a back chiropractic assistant. Taking the patients in, doing the intake for me and all of that stuff. To me, when I did her disc profile, and it made a lot of sense even without, knowing her because I want her to be outgoing. I want her to be able to, connect well with the patient, but yet we’re building the patient’s file and needs to be detailed and so forth.

And knowing. It took a little bit longer to train her because it was very important that she knew exactly what needed to be done. So that’s in the big scheme of things that the, this profile for her. But one of the thing that I really look at is this, and again, it’s a screenshot of hers, and you’ll see that profile number one is called perceive need to.

And then the profile number two is the natural style. And I’ve looked enough at enough of those that the people that have, and you see her pattern, so she’s not much of a D, which, again, could be good, could be not good. Depend on what you want them to do or see is higher, or I is the second one.

And then or s is the third one. And you’ll notice that. Perceived need to adjust in their natural style are not exactly the same, but they’re very congruent. They’re very, if you lay them one on top of each other, they’re not opposite or anything like that. And I’ve noticed that the people that have a natural style and a perceived need to.

That are very different. They’re not congruent. They think you want them to be a certain way. So they’re not their natural self. They’re changing their personality to fit what they think they should be. So I’ve noticed that if I stick with the two profile being very similar, it somehow makes for better hires because you’d.

Someone to be who they are and bring their strength and weaknesses even to the equation. So this is, again, a tool that I think is very valuable. So I do that when I hire before I hire staff, and then I will review it. With them. And then every so often we’ll do an activity with the clinic or inside of the clinic with our staff, especially when we have new staff coming on that they all know what their disc profile is.

And we work on, talking about our strengths and weaknesses. And in the report the desk gives a 30 page report and it tells you, How to communicate. So if I’m a D and I wanna communicate with an s I need to do it in a different manner. Give you an example. If I start at the clinic on Monday, I’m there.

I’m good to go. I just wanna get going. But I know my front desk two of them are s and I. So I’ll take the time to say, Hey guys, how was your weekend? And I’ll just make. Be a little bit more social and asking because I know it is important to them as opposed to, if I only had Ds working for me, we would just get going and who cares what you did this weekend kind of thing.

So I think, it’s important and that’s one thing that I know that I have gotten better at it. Another tip here. Let’s say you’re really strong of a C or you’re really strong of a d I would not suggest hiring someone that is exactly your personality type. You think it would be a good thing cuz you are like, Oh I’ll, this person’s gonna understand what I want and what I need, but it’s my.

Experience that it’s gonna do this and it’s better to have, to me, people that are complimenting me. So if I’m a d I want, the I and the s in my office. So for patient the. Their fo the focus of the staff and how greeted and how they make people feel and the small talk sometime because, we want the patients to be happy and looking forward to to, to their visit.

So that’s how I’m using it in the office and training with the staff on how to detect. The different types of personality. So then we use it for patients. So when my intake assistant does the evaluation, or sorry, the questionnaire, the intake, she’ll come out and debrief me. And then we discuss what type of personality do we have.

And the reason I like to know that going in is that if I know I have a detailed person, I see, I’m gonna go add it way more detail, and this is what we’re gonna do. If I have this eye person that’s really outgoing and doesn’t really care what’s going on, they just wanna feel better, then I’m gonna have a different type of conversation.

So it’s been really helpful for the staff as well, because now they know what they are. They. Guess what the patient is, and then they know how to better communicate with them. And a little quick story here is I love hiring university student to work in my office. And I had a text the other day from one of my staff who’s doing her master in master’s degree in another city, and she said Dr.

Nat, do you mind if we got on a on a quick call? Pick your brain and get your insight. So I guess she’s having some challenges with whomever is in charge of her masters. Program and first thing out of her mouth, she’s Dr. N like with the DISC profile, when this guy is a C and guess what she is, She’s an eye.

So completely different personality. Dare clashing, in terms of communication. Gave her some tips. So I thought it was just cool that, we’ve mastered the disc profile enough that she was able to use it in her personal. Life. So this is it here on how it can be applied to your patient into your office.

So it’s all about communication. It’s not about being right or wrong, but it’s about knowing who you have in front of you so you can understand how they like to communicate. And by doing this, it makes the workplace such a better and more pleasant. With staff and even with with patients. So hopefully you enjoy this kind of crash course on the disc profile.

Like I said you can easily I shouldn’t say easily, but you could get certified if that’s something you wanna dig deeper or hire consultant to get it done. Very valuable. I can do, can really be a great have day training session. And it’s good because the you’re, Staff is getting a 30 page report on who they are.

So it’s really valuable for them as well as a human being. So this was Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp. Thank you for watching Empowering Women in Chiropractic and. Thank you again for ChiroSecure to put these shows on. It’s always an honor to be part of this group and share insight of things that are working great in our practices because when we can learn from each other, it always raises the bar and always helps for us to grow.

So thank you very much.

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Have a beautiful day. This has been a ChiroSecure production.