Improvement in adaptability concomitant with pediatric chiropractic care

Improvement in adaptability concomitant with pediatric chiropractic care: A series of 5 cases

A ChiroSecure Research Update

Abstract: Objective/Clinical Features: Four cases addressing chiropractic care and sleep, energy and behavior are presented, with diversified technique as the primary method of reducing subluxations.

Discussion: Subluxation-based care was delivered via diversified technique with care plans tailored to meet parent and chiropractor recommendations.

Conclusion: Chiropractic care for the reduction of subluxations may contribute to enhanced nervous system coherence, thus allowing the child to better adapt to their environment, resulting in better sleep and behaviour. In terms of the research agenda of the ASRF these cases demonstrate an improvement is patient adaptability seems associated with subluxation correction. Further research is required to understand the mechanisms behind these improvements.

Reference: Dukovac N, Postlethwaite R, McIvor C. Improvement in adaptability concomitant with paediatric chiropractic care: A series of 5 cases. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2022;3.2. URL