Blog, Live Events July 11, 2023

Mood and Chiropractic Care for Kiddos!

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Hello everybody, it’s Dr. B and Elizabeth here. We are gonna bring you in the know with a mood and more. Last month we talked about Dr. Google and things you should know about patient communication and Dr. Google. So we came up with three major topics that were Googled in 2022, and we’re gonna hit those.

This month and the next two months. So we are gonna go over to some slides and bring you in the no, and get you rocking and rolling in your practices. Elizabeth, how you doing today? What? Oh, she she needs a diaper change, so she’s gonna bug her out for just a minute and she’ll be back at the end. So thanks for letting me know.

I didn’t want her to. Pee all over my hand. Okay. So happy July everybody. Hopefully you’re having a great summer. And again, ChiroSecure, you’re amazing for giving us this opportunity to spread the word on the benefits and the the beauty and benefits of chiropractic care for kiddos.

So last month, Dr. Google and the Health consumer. If you did, if you missed that show, gotta go back and listen to it cuz we’ve dropped some really cool information that you should be very mindful of in dealing with your pop your community population. But what it boils down to is we looked at three hot topics that that are Googled.

For health reasons. There is about 1 billion with a b health searches per day on Google that people Google their symptoms before seeing a practitioner. And these were the hot three topics, mood, cognition, and sleep. And you know what? Chiropractic care can affect all three of those. Yes. Baa boom, baa bing, baa bang.

So today we’re gonna drop some mood hints for you and get you thinking a little bit about altering the mood and your mood as well. So let’s just talk about mood, okay? In 2022. These were the hottest mood topics that were Googled how to handle stress . Especially since Covid, that’s become a big thing, right?

How to stop a panic attack, a cure for depression and panic and anxiety. We put those in the same category, right? How to help focus with D H D. And this one I found, the last one I found really super interesting is general Mental health practices and breathing techniques for little fiddle frogs.

And I’ve been lec, I’ve been giving this in community talks for a number of years out here in Idaho where I work with the whole southeastern school districts. And so I am gonna give you some things to think about in order to help our little kid goes deep breathing basically is gonna help foster vagal tone.

And so it’s gonna help with autonomic regulation. So if you hold on for just a few minutes, I’m gonna give you some cool ways to give kiddos, teachers, classrooms, counselors, ways to help kiddos better breathe. One of it starts with good posture, actually. So let’s dig in. Let’s have a little bit of fun.

Okay. First of all our brain is a computer. Mood is an experience. Mood is how we experience our world. Our experiences generate feelings, and the feelings translate into our mood. So if you’re mindful of how your mood might flip flop on a dime, you’re in a great mood, right? And then you go have some kind of an experience.

Maybe you slam your finger in the corridor door pain, okay? Can change your mood on a dime. Maybe your little fiddle farts in a good mood and lolly gagging along. And then you go into Walmart at Christmas time. Or Sam’s Club or something like that where there’s a lot of overstimulation and they just have a come apart.

The way we experience our world is the way we navigate and relate to our world and everything within our world, including people. So I put this on in here because I wanted to use this analogy that’s great to use for parents, for any patient actually is artificial intelligence. It’s making a big splash these days, right?

So you can put in Bard or Bing or chat, G t P or whatever. You can say, okay, hey bing, Bart, write me a story with using the words cat, dog, boy, farm, and fishing. Whatever. Okay, so I want a short story on that. So you give the words, you type it in there, right? And essentially this computer is taking these words and within seconds searching all the databases it can find, and putting a story together.

So the story might translate to something like I. The boy lives on the farm and has a pond and went fishing, and he lost his dog, so he felt sad and started crying.

Artificial intelligence doesnt have feelings. But it’s able to search a bunch of data searching. I’m not a techie, so I don’t know how all it all acts, the actual terms, so forgive me, but it’s searching out there for terms, situations, so to speak, with cat, dog, boy, fishing, et cetera, and it’s actually able to formulate a story that comes across as having feelings.

That’s what our brain does. It searches a database of previous experiences that created feelings and we put a meaning to those feelings and that creates our mood. And the crazy thing is we actually, our brain, the way our brains work, we actually pull from experiences from our. From the, not only our past experiences, but from previous generations.

Another story for another time. So the moral of the story is mood is an end result, an output of the story that the brain has computed. And so that the reaction to that story, to data coming into the brain. Can show up as depression or anxiety or stress. So for instance, let’s say a kiddo needs to do the teacher’s writing on the board a math problem or a story that they have to write or something that all that information’s gotta come into that little one’s brain.

It’s got to be interpreted, organized so that the motor output response is whatever they’re supposed to be doing. If that data is coming into the brain and it’s skewed, it’s not interpreted properly, it’s not sinking up, the motor response is less than stellar. That experience might create me to make me feel less than, it might make me feel dumb.

It might make me feel anxious because I’m not able to produce what I’m supposed to do. Thus the mood changes. The mood results. Okay, so our brains are one big computer and that’s a great analogy to use. Parents get it now because everybody’s in the tech age, right? So input has to equal output. We’ve got our inside experiences or sensory information.

Our vestibular input information from our movement of our head proprioception information, sensory input from our joints and our muscle spindles. We have microbiome, we have immune cells, hormones. All this stuff creates a sensory experience into the brain. And then we have our outside senses, sight, smell, sound, taste, touch.

Okay. So really in the world of neuropsychiatry, this is where it’s all going, is how a person experiences their world and that results in a mood. And we need to be able to alter our response to the experience if it’s not an appropriate response or if it’s not a true experience. Oh, we can go in the weeds on this one.

Bottom line, in order to feel safe, comfortable, secure in our environment. Taken process, organized information so that we feel safe and secure, and now we can respond appropriately. We need to be able to have good, healthy neuroadaptation. We need to be able to take this information in. We need to be able to regulate between.

Sympathetic and parasympathetic tone. Okay. And then we can respond appro appropriately. When we respond appropriately. We have a, we feel in a better mood, right? We’re not feeling anxious or depressed or sad as we would if we can’t complete that that proper output. Okay, so what are some things we can do?

One, we know that the chiropractic adjustment, yes, helps foster more appropriate, organized input into the brain. Cool beans, right? So we definitely want to look at getting the whole world under chiropractic care now. The sooner you get a person under care, the sooner you can help regulate that input coming into the brain.

Their story can change. So I was saying, I say if you change the beginning of the story, you change the entire story. Meaning if we can get little fiddle farts under care, actually during the prenatal period, Because mom’s way of the way she interprets the world and her stress response is gonna be handed down to that little fiddle fart.

So if we can help regulate the nervous system as early as possible, then that brain, the wiring is going to be healthier, okay? So that experience coming in can be interpreted. Integrated and responded to in a more healthier manner. Thus, you can circumvent some of those poor mood adaptations to the world, to their experience.

Okay? So chiropractic care, the gut, you can’t Regulate a nervous system without talking about the microbiome, without talking about the gut. So we did a little topic a few months ago about, we were looking at like dyes and preservatives and how we know that they change the microbiome and how they change brain chemistry, right?

The gut brain, gut connection. There is too much out there in literature. To not acknowledge that we, if we’re gonna change the brain, we gotta change the gut. So we need to educate parents on what food is, mood, right? What we eat, what we drink, what we think is going to alter our mood. So we should be giving, at least addressing or giving some resources is how to manage and foster the best gut health as possible.

Okay, boom. Three vagal principles help fostering good neuroadaptation. So this is why I found it was so interesting that one of the most Google things was how to help foster mental health, mental capacities, and kiddos and deep breathing exercises. All right, so here we go. Boom. First of all, This is fun to use with teachers and with parents, and with anybody.

So I’m gonna use it on you. I want you, first of all, I want you to just slouch down, rounded shoulders. Tech posture, okay? Tech down, right? And I want you to try to take a deep breath in, try to expand your rib cage and take a deep breath in, in this hunched over posture. You can’t, the air gets stuck.

Okay. That means you can’t expand and use your diaphragm as well. Diaphragmatic breathing is huge in mindfulness and in vagal regulation, helping to bring in that parasympathetic break pedal of the nervous system so we can be more calm, cool, and collected, and now we can regulate our response to our environment in a healthier fashion.

So now I want you to sit up, good posture, and feet on the floor, take a deep breath in, and you can expand that rib cage and pull that air up into your lungs and I e more oxygen to the brain. So that’s a really fun thing to do with parents and teachers and et cetera, to start fostering good posture and of course, chiropractic care.

Can help foster good posture, right? If there have vertible subluxations, we’re gonna tend to be, our posture’s gonna be distorted and distorted posture actually distorts information into the brain. So dis disorganized posture. Those little fiddle farts that have low tone are what we call development of coordination disorder.

That diagnosis drives me back crazy because it basically means they don’t have good control over their core. And disorganized posture equals disorganized input into the brain. That’s gonna change the mood, change the outward response. Okay, so let’s one tip, get them sitting up straight.

Another way to help foster good neuroadaptation and regulation and breathing is, I use the analogy I’ll either get they have little pens that have pinwheels on them or now during the summertime, little pinwheels that you’d put in your yard, ex, et cetera. Okay. The little spinners you can use it as an analogy with a flower or a dandelion.

And I will teach the little kiddos how to smell the flower and blow off the pets. So in essence, they’re holding the little pinwheel and I say, pretend it’s a really pretty flower. Or if they know what dandelions are, it’s a dandelion where you’re gonna smell it, deep breath in, and then blow off the pedals.

And teach them how to breathe. It works amazing. You’re now, if we go back to our gut, great thing to do with little fiddle farts that have difficulty with digestion and constipation. Remember the guts down the brains down. If they’re stressed in stress mode and they’re anxious, the gut’s gonna be shut down.

So deep breathing before eating can help promote healthier digestion. Bad bing, bad boom, bad ba. So smell the flowers, smell the into the nose, deep breath, and blow the pets out while they’re sitting up tall or standing up tall. Don’t have ’em do it when they’re scrunched over. Can’t get that area.

The other fun analogy to use to help foster good breathing is that boys like this one, girls like the flowers, boys like this one. Pretend that there’s a dragon that’s across the room from you. Okay. And you’re, and what did dragons do? Oh, they blow out fire. Okay. So we’re gonna. Take a deep breath in, and we’re gonna bring all this fire into our belly, and then we’re gonna blow it out across the room to the dragon.

All right, so stand up really straight ready. Take a deep breath in a fire, blow it in and blow it across the room to the dragon. So those are some fun ways to start teaching kiddos how to do deep breathing and how to calm down if you can do three runs of them. Okay, three times, smell the flower, blow off the pedals, or breathe in the fire and blow it out.

That can set the tone. And then after that, what I like to do is some humming. So deep breathing and humming are ways to help en engage vagal tone, enhance vagal tone, bring on the brake pedal, regulate information and responses easier. So we’ll do the three deep breathings, followed by some humming.

And the kids love it. It’s great to do. I’ve done it with adults in when I’ve been teaching in various classrooms, et cetera. So three ways to foster vagal tone to neuro adaptation chiropractic care. Boom, regulate the gut. What we eat, what we drink, what we think. All right. So we might have to put some digestive enzymes or probiotics along with that.

And let’s help fo help them learn how to fo vagal tone. Sitting up tall, deep breathing. Smell the flower, blow off the pets. Breathe in the fire, blow it out. Do some humming. And start teaching them how to regulate their nervous system. So great things to bring to the classroom starting in a lot of people are starting, a lot of kiddos are starting school ready in August, so start talking get in contact. Now. In fact, the best time to get in contact with schools if you wanna go in and do workshops, et cetera, is before school ends in the spring, depending on when you guys, where you are in the part of the country and when you get outta school. Out here, a lot of schools and in May, so I’m already in contact with schools by March or April if we wanna do workshops in, in the school districts.

But. Definitely maybe reach out to some of your teachers that you, that are in your practices and so forth, and come into them, come into their classroom and start teaching these kiddos how to smell flowers. Blow off pedal pebble pedals. Those are what they’re called. They’re called petals. Yes. Breathe in air.

Breathe in fire. Blow it out. Hum. And start getting those ketos ready to regulate for their school year 2023 and 2024. ChiroSecure, you rock. Thank you for this opportunity. Docs out there, keep doing your job, keep saving lives, keep fostering good neuro regulation and me and Elizabeth, wish you guys an incredible rest of July.

We’ll be back in August and we’re gonna talk cognition and chiropractic. Boom. Have a great month. We’ll see you then.

Today’s pediatric show.