Blog, Chirosecure Live Event October 24, 2022

Pediatric Changes to Developmental Milestones

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Hello, I’m Dr. Drew Rubin, and welcome to another episode of Disruptive Pediatrics, brought to you by ChiroSecure, the malpractice insurance company that I have used since I graduated way back from Life College. Life University now in 1989. Today I want to talk to you about something that has really been on my mind quite.

Lately, and that is the developmental milestones. I don’t know how many of you know that it’s been changed since February of 2022 when the CDC and the American Academy of Patricks got together and decided suddenly to pronounce that, All of a sudden all of our milestones are changed and altered. And I wanna share that with you because I think it’s profound impacts not just on our profession, but on any profession that deals with kids.

So let’s go to the slides. And my first slide talks about why this is so important. So autism, Autism has seen an 800% increase, 800, not 80, and not eight, 800% increase in diagnosis from the year 2000. And a matter of fact, I was just listening to a seminar with a, with Dr. Ma Huang, and he said in the last three years there has been a 53% increase in the autism diagnosis.

This is really ramping up at an unbelievable pace. One in five children in our country now have a mental health disorder that’s up from one in six. The last time I was talking about this several years ago, it is now one in five, One in six children had developmental disabilities also up from one in 10.

We’re just seeing this. This huge onslaught, this huge prevalence increase in autism, mental health disorders, developmental disabilities, and children. What do we have to do about this? We have everything to do about this because to me, we are the ones who see these kids on a regular basis. It’s not just seeing them like a typical pediatrician, sees them once in a while, once every six months, whenever the kid is six, we’re seeing them several times a week.

We’re seeing that so we can really pick up on these kind of things. And this is something that I think we really need to learn more. And why is this important? Because if you miss certain milestones, then that is predictive of later problem. As an example, and this is just my own crazy brain and how I’ve been putting it and how I like to, talk to parents about this.

If they’re if a, child misses a milestone, it’s like an app that needs to be updated that isn’t being updated So let’s say here’s my cell phone, right? And, all, I’ve always on your cell phone it says, Time to update, right time. So for update or you apps, you need to update, right? So let’s make believe.

A baby is born and it is an app. And the earliest physical milestone app is like the heads up app. But then once it master the Heads Up app, now it gets a new update and it’s the Rolling Baby app. And then once that masters, the Rolling Baby app now is the Crawling Baby app. So each one of these apps need to be updated and you get the message and then you press update and you put in your code and it updates.

But here’s the problem. What happens when they don. What happens when that little munchkin, that little kiddo is unable to get that update and they’re unable to get that going from the head up app to the rolling app or the rolling app to the client. What happens if they’re unable to, download that?

The neurotypical kids get the update. The neuro diversion kids, they don’t. They get an error message like this, Unable to install update. Unable to install, update. And what happens when they get the air message is now they have delay. And that’s how I explain it to parents to make them understand. Excuse me.

Now, here’s the cool thing is that for years and years, I had this great milestone list that I could say this is what’s supposed to happen at this time, and this is what’s supposed to happen at this time, and this is what’s supposed to happen at this time. But all of a sudden in February, 2022, this year, the CDC and the American County Pediatrics decided to change those miles.

And just to read you some of the interesting things that happened here, what they’re saying is now one in six children with developmental disabilities have been shown to improve outcomes. However, less than a quarter of children with development disabilities receive early intervention services before age three years.

Why? Why is that? Why is it that less than one quarter of these kids receive early intervention? I’ll tell you why in my own personal speak, and that is because they’re not gonna see chiropractor. They’re not gonna see chiropractors. They, call these things milestones for a reason. Right?

They’re not miles suggestions, they’re milestones milestone. If you’re running right and we, run over by the, river over here and there’s a marker. It says that quarter mile and a half a mile and three quarters of a mile, one mile. It says that for a reason. It doesn’t, like we didn’t run by you a day and it said, We’ve decided to change the quarter mile market to a half a mile.

That wouldn’t make any sense. He, What are you talking about? The quarter mile’s a quarter. So this is what’s really been getting to me. So listen, to this. The stuff that they changed, number one they changed talking from 12 to 15 months. From 12. So they, so what’s happening is they’re allowing the delay in the beginning of talking to be okay for three more months.

Okay? Let’s see. The next thing they decide to change walking from 12 to 18 months. I’m having a harder time with this one. So, in other words, it, most kids used to walk at 12 months and now it’s gonna be okay if they start walking at 18 months. This isn’t sitting well with me guys. And then this is my favorite my least favorite and that is crawling has been totally eliminated.

Did you know that? Did you hear about that? Crawling has been totally eliminated as a milestone. How’s that? And the rationale is because here’s, rationale. The removal of the crawling milestone was not due to its uni importance, but rather because the scientific literature is inconsistent on how it defines crawling and what ages should be achieved.

So what that means is there are multiple ways of crawling and they can’t figure out which is the right and which is the, which is true crawling and which isn’t crawling, and it happens at all these different ages. So what they decided in their infinite wisdom was, let’s just a little bit at crawling all together.

Whew. I don’t know about you guys. I dunno about you guys, but I’m a little upset. I’m a little miffed. And look at this. This comes from the American Speech Academy. Speech and health pathologists, a third of all retained milestones have been transferred to different ages. 67% of those are transferred to older ages, and 80% of the found milestones have either a, data from one source or no sources.

What. Whew. This is bothering me. You know why? Because I think this delay in early intervention that they are pushing things out is because they’re normalizing pathology. What they’re doing is they’re saying, We know that kids are talking late. We know that kids are walking late. We know that crawling is this ethereal time period in different sorts of crawls that scooting and crab crawl and all that kinda stuff.

So what we’re going to do is we’re gonna push this up and we’re going to normalize this so that people don’t feel as bad. We’re gonna normalize this so that it doesn’t look as, it doesn’t create as much auDA and Irri irrit to be irritating. To say, Why is my child not walking? Why is my child, Oh, don’t worry, it’s gonna be fine.

He’s got till 18 months. He’s got till 15 months to talk. It’s no crawl. He didn’t crawl. Don’t worry about it. It’s gonna be totally. You’re normalizing pathology. You’re taking things that don’t make sense and you’re making it normal only because you’re seeing it more. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s normal.

And that’s what I’m seeing right now. And. To me, you wanna see a gain in functional outcomes. How about including in a typical child, or I should say a, neuro divergent child’s care plan for across the board? Why don’t you include about eight chiropractor adjustments a month in daily home exercises?

Wouldn’t that be doing a good service for these kids And listen to this from at 2019 before covid even. In this cohort study, more than half the study children received delayed early intervention access and most received early low intensity. Early intervention access, additional hour per month and hour per month of early intervention services was associated with three point gain.

I would bet you guys, I would bet you here in Car Secure and whoever else is listening, that not only would you see a three point gain in fossil outcomes in a few months of chiropractic care, you probably see a 10 or 20 point gain. Cuz I’ve seen kids who come in who are not crawling, who. Who are not rolling, who can roll, who cannot talk and start talking, who are not walking and start walking.

And I see this in a really short period of time, and it’s because chiropractic works, because we’re working on their brain and their nurse system. We’re not saying, Oh, don’t worry about it. People are coming in with their kids saying, What do I do? They, I just had twins come in yesterday and the mom’s I don’t like how their eyes are, and I don’t like how one of them one of the twins when she she leans like this and she’s lifting her head up like this.

She’s wondering her hands like this, I don’t like that. And everybody’s saying it’s normal. And she said, What do you think? And I said, You know what? I don’t care what they say. I know what I like looking at and I like looking at symmetry. I like looking at balance, and that’s what this is about getting balance and symmetry back into their brains, not just into their bodies, not just into their, whether their arms are like this, whether they’re on their tongues, but balance in their brains and their nerve systems.

One of the most important things I wanna teach you guys. ChiroSecure Secure chiropractors is make sure you put the kids on the floor when you’re doing an exam. Don’t just have the mom hold baby in their arms like this and hold face down and put them on a bench and stuff like that. Put them on the floor.

Get yourself a of all these disposable paper gowns. I throw ’em on the floor, put baby on the floor. Cause I wanna see what do they look like when they’re face down? What do they look like when they’re face up? Now don’t do this for a six week old or younger. Or a pre that was really, little. But once they’re six, eight weeks old or so, get them on the floor.

See what they do. They should be, if a a, six to eight week old baby should be able to put its head on the ground like this and lift its head up a little bit. And a three month old should be able to put its head up like this. With his hand out. And by four months it should really be pushing out. And that’s how these things start.

And then the, rolling starts and the sitting starts and the, when the commander crawling on their belly starts and then they start rocking to get themselves with their rear ends in the air to get themselves to start to crawling. Then they start to crawl by nine, 10 months, then they start taking steps.

This is the normal order of things. These things shouldn’t have changed. I don’t know what they were thinking to change these things. Here’s the proper rolling sequence. You need three pieces. Head turns, arm turns, leg turns. Not like this, where kids are not rolling properly, where the, head goes like this, and then the arm turns this way.

I say, You can’t roll like this, right? If you wanna roll this way and your arm is this way, you ain’t rolling, right? You need all three of those things to go in the same direction. And here’s the deal. The, these problems that are unresolved as a baby turn into bigger problems when they’re in. How do I know?

This seminal paper, one of the most important papers I have ever read when I share with you right now, movement analysis and infancy may be useful or for early diagnosis in autism. I know this is old. It’s 1998, but this is the paper that started off for me. This is the paper that’s not all for me. After Dr.

Webster told me, You gotta get more into checking kids with autism, checking kids with adhd, checking kids with sensory processing. He’s the one who get me in that direction. Back in 1995, this. Paper turned me around because it’s it. What it stated was that kids who have movement issues as a youngster, as a baby, they have later problems such as autism, adhd, learning disorders, sensory processing disorders, dyslexia cetera.

One leads to another. And when you’re talking about movement disorders, it’s not just movement like gross movement, like rolling. It could even be something as simple as latching a. That case with latching nursing issues may have. Problems with their brain that may lay later on to this. That’s what they started to find out.

It would. And this is a book they also wrote, The Tidals wrote. And Dr. Hederman, one of the amazing osteopath in Germany, wrote this great book, Manual Therapy in Children. And he talked about KISS syndrome, which he sees a lot in with a lot of the kids that he takes care of thousands of kids he’s taken care of and KISS syndrome.

I’m not gonna go into it, but KISS syndrome, which is kind about and bound due, Sublux strain is when they have some kind of a tocas essentially. But that Torco leads to other things and just because they, the child might get older and their head might straighten, doesn’t mean that the KISS syndrome, that which was unresolved, right?

It might have changed, but it was unresolved, turns into what he calls kid syndrome, which is kiss. Agnostic and dyspraxia, which is a perceptual and movement issues, right? And if you have a kid who’s now 6, 7, 8 years old who having perceptual movement issues, what’s happening? Oh they’re not paying attention in class.

They’re not able to read as well. There’s flapping like this, something’s going on with these kids, right? And these are developmental issues. That’s why we see so many these neuro virgin kids in our practice every single day. The parents are crying for this. The mom who came in yesterday with her twins, she.

The reason I’m here is because I see something that was going on that everybody else was ignoring, and I read your information and I watched some of your videos and listened to some of your podcasts, and I said, I need to take care of this now. It doesn’t turn into a problem later on. Exactly. That’s where what we do is so important because what we’re seeing is if these kids don’t get that latest update, right?

If that little one can’t get her hand out like this, why is her right hand behind? Because somebody’s going, I’m probably left brain, left brains talking to her right hand saying, and not saying, Go over here. It’s getting stuck over here. We call this a dichi. A dichi ASIS means there’s a lower brain stem issue that’s creating an upstream area.

So you have a brain stem issue where, a child is unable to, lift their head up. Where, So now if you have this lower brain stem or lower brain issue, it’s gonna start affecting the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex, especially supposed to have a top down regulation. What happens if it can’t get that top down?

That’s the dichi. The dias is downstream, but that downstream di affects upstream brain. Just like this is showing here another seminal paper that talking about this the, these dias, whether is in the cerebellum or it’s the brainstem or it’s the thalamus or some other lower part of the brain, not cortex, not cortical stuff.

You have a lower injury here, a lower issue here, an area that isn’t functioning area. That’s. Disconnected as mellow would talk about, then you’re gonna have an upstream dichi. What we do, ChiroSecure, what we do is our brain-based chi probably changes kids trajectories from disconnected to reconnected.

That’s what we do, and that’s why I do what I do. That’s why I speak around the world. That’s why I. Do these sort of presentation for ChiroSecure because of this, I am involved with the I C P, I’ve been speaking for them since 2013. I’ve got all kinds of seminars, the I C P checkout out with with our QR code.

I’ve been speaking with Dr. POEs, who’s talk about the poly baal theory. If you’re interested this is a, great seminar I put on as recorded. You can listen to poly informed pediatric chiropractic, and of course my podcast. I’ve had today I posted the 480th podcast. My, as far as I know, it’s the longest running podcast in chiropractic.

I would love for you to tune in. There’s a link to that. What do we have to do? ChiroSecure is protect our future and just more kiddos. And to me the way to do that is be disruptive. Don’t do what everybody else does. Don’t do what all the other chiropractors do. Be disruptive. Thank you so much to Carrier Secure for putting this on.

ChiroSecure is the best, malpractice organization with people who really care, who are really into chiropractic. It’s my honor and privilege to present to them. Thank you guys, and I’ll see you soon.

Today’s pediatric show, the Children brought to you by ChiroSecure .