Risk Management, Balancing Philosophy

Do you know how to balance chiropractic philosophy with reality?

Risk Management, Balancing PhilosophyOne of the most important things for chiropractors is never to lose site of the “why” behind their practice. When operating your practice from the highest level of intention, providing chiropractic services becomes much easier. You can also feel confident knowing that the patient will benefit because of the treatment that you provide. This is the best way to assure that you attract positive people and positive experiences to you.

There is a science, art and philosophy that makes the chiropractic field unique. Many chiropractors get caught up in the day to day of running their own practice and forget the core foundation of what they do. One of the best ways to start your day is by reminding yourself why you became a chiropractor by setting your intention, getting balanced and living in the present.

Never forget to take a few minutes at the beginning of your day just to breathe. Try to visualize and affirm your intentions by writing them down. This is an excellent way to stay focused throughout the day.

When you are treating your patients focus solely on them. Ignore your calls and live in the moment when providing adjustment. This will help you avoid errors and provide the highest level of service.

It is a good idea to begin each day by relaxing, breathing and visualizing. Try doing this throughout the day whenever you find the opportunity. Be present and in the moment so that you can do your best work as a chiropractor. If you are looking for an affirmation to help you do this try this one: “Because I am calm, focused and balanced, I energetically translate that to my patients. My hands are conduits of divine healing energy.” Repeat this when needed to help you stay in the moment so that you can provide the best care.