Risk Management Tips July 8, 2015

Risk Management Tip – Documentation

Hi, this is Dr. Stu Hoffman, president of ChiroSecure. I’m back with another risk management tip. For as long as I have been coaching chiropractors on what to do to maintain low risk in their practices, at the top of the list is always, always, always documentation. This fact is confirmed over and over again by most respected attorneys in the malpractice industry.

Today’s tip is a reminder to:

1. Document all visits with your patients. Without proper documentation, the best intentions and treatment may not be enough if the patient lodges a complaint or makes a claim.
2. Write down any and all conversations you have with your patients over the telephone.
3. Any email correspondents should be saved as part of the patient’s permanent records.
4. If you you confirm with a colleague regarding one of your patients, please write it down.
5. If a patient has a complaint or a dispute, write it down.

Stay tuned for more tips from ChiroSecure. Have a great day.