Blog, Chirosecure Live Event February 10, 2024

Chiropractic Malpractice Insurance – The A, B, C’s of Building a Pediatric Practice!

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Hello, everybody! It’s Dr. B and and Elizabeth here, and we are here for a Valentine’s Day. It’s almost day after Valentine’s bash to fill you in on some ABCs. We’re going to give you the ABCs to building a pediatric brain based practice. Woo! Lots of words. ChiroSecure, thank you for giving us this opportunity and we are going to rock and roll with a storybook time for for the ABCs.

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So Elizabeth is going to take a nap. And she’ll be back to bid us farewell. Until then, let’s get on to our story time. So yes, what are the ABCs to build a pediatric brain based practice? That in and of itself is a mouthful. So first of all, page one of our story is A for Adjustment. Now, you amazing chiropractors there know how valuable the adjustment is for so the brain Connect with the body.

So it’s all about what I tell my little fiddle farts. Ages three, four and up, I always talk about how we’re going to help your brain talk to your body and your body talk to your brain and they get it. So make it very simple analogy, but what are you actually doing? Do you know what you’re doing when you’re delivering that awesome specific adjustment?

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So here’s how you can help parents understand what you’re doing. And so you can build your brain based pediatric practice because so many people reach out to me and say, Monica, how do I go from. A to Z, so to speak. How do I get, I’m working with this beautiful mama, she’s pregnant, she’s under care, she has this beautiful birth, and then I never get to see the baby.

Like what gives? So we need to educate them on why we want to see that little fiddle fart and how it actually affects their brain development. So here’s a scoop. What I’ve learned over the years is when we talk about movement, so I tell parents that movements are indicators to what the brain is doing.

And so we’re ultimately want to foster optimal brain development and the brain is in turn directing messages down the body to move my right arm or wiggle my left toes or whatever it is. So when I’m giving certain exercises to do for parents to do at home, I tell them this isn’t about movement per se.

This is about giving the brain input. So it can develop properly. So that’s what it’s all about, giving the brain direct movement input that builds a brain. So I’ve used this little doodad for, I’ve been in practice 33 years, so I’ve been using it 33 years. And what I look at is I show them these middle three red beads and those those represent a vertebral subluxation because we need to delineate.

gross big movements from little intervertebral movements because when we tell the parents that we want the baby to move properly they might see baby kicking and throwing their arms up and down and these gross movements But they’re not looking at the little fine movements of the spine that are feeding incredibly important information to the brain.

So I tell them a vertebral sub upsation, these are vertebral sub upsation, these red balls right here, and they’re stuck. You’re going to get movement above and below that segment that is maybe moving too much. It’s making up for this lack of little motion in between those joints. And that’s what we as chiropractors look for.

We, we look at very specific little movements that add up to make big movements. And these little movements feed a lot of information into the brain for the baby to develop normally. So yeah, baby might be rolling or moving their arms or legs, but they might not be doing it properly. So I, as a chiropractor, want to look at these little independent movements to make sure that these little movements are sending big important information to the brain so that we can build a healthy brain.

So A, that’s what you need to look at. Okay. So now what is B? And then we all know that the adjustment does have an effect. On brain, on processing of sensory motor information in the brain. So we want to direct that information from those little independent movements to big impacts on the brain. So there’s your A.

So what is B? Page number 2. B. Bellies and Bums. Now, we can take that one into a lot of contexts. We can take that into bellies, mums. Microbiome, if you want to go that route, we can take it into fetal movement within mom’s belly, which is incredibly important for developing good sensory input to the developing fetus.

With those two bees, we want to make sure that mom’s eating properly. So we want to couch them along the way during pregnancy. They’re getting enough protein, enough good fats. That’s for brain building a baby. All right. And for fetal movement, that’s building sensory input into the developing brain. So we want to see mom during her pregnancy, but then what after pregnancy?

What about the belly, baby’s bellies and bums? That’s your next focus that you want to focus on to build a brain based practice. Educate them on baby’s bellies and bums. What’s that? Belly time. Okay. I don’t even like using the word tummy time anymore because we want baby on the belly. But we want to make sure that they’re going through proper belly stages, tummy time stages.

It’s not just being about on the belly. And we’ve talked about this before and subsequent in previous shows. So we want to make sure that baby at about two months of age is able to lift their head to about 45 degrees and about three to four months ish lift their head to 90 degrees. What does that take to do that?

It takes Little movements of within the spinal column, these intervertebral segmental movements. Boom. That’s where we come into play. So if there’s not movement in some of those small segments, small movements, baby might not be able to get on their belly and lift their head up. And those little movements are a brainstorm of a bunch of information to the brain to build those pathways in the brain.

So you want to make sure that you, that mom, dad, caregivers understand that baby might be in tummy time and belly time, but they might not be firing up all those little segments that are so important for information to the brain. And that’s why you want to check them on a regular basis. All right.

The other thing about belly, on belly time, you want to make sure that they go from linear straight belly time. Elizabeth is back to demonstrate. Okay, straight linear belly time where that head is coming up to a diagonal movement pattern. That means that they’re able to be up, pushing up on their arms, or five and munch ish.

And then being able to take one arm off the ground and kind of pivot within their spine. That also takes little baby movements within the vertebral column. Okay, so you need to, you want to monitor baby through these developmental milestones to make sure that these little movements aren’t getting locked up.

And parents are overlooking them by only looking at big movements. Okay, so all these little movements add up to big movements and big input to the brain. Those are some things you want to look for belly time. Bum time. We go from belly to bum. That means babies should be sitting up right on their bum.

Okay, and if the vertebral column is sending proper information, if the muscles and the ligaments and the information from the joints are sending proper information to the brain is going to know where the body is in space and baby can sit upright on their bum and hold their body weight and have core stabilization.

So another reason baby gets to be around six, seven, eight months ish. You want to make sure that all those little movements. These are intact so that the baby has big movements to be able to sit upright and be able to move around their core that helps foster even more brain development. So that’s your Bs.

So now, what is C? C stands for Chiropractic? Yes. But C stands for core. You want to make sure that A, baby had a good fuel and good nutrients during pregnancy. All right. So that means mom’s belly was fed proper nutrition. So baby’s brain is building. We’ve got a lot of B’s going on here, right? You want to make sure that baby had enough fuel during the fetal development to build tone.

To be able to develop core. Core is key. Your belly time, tummy time, your bum time is all developing key core musculature that is needed for optimal brain development. Most disorders, if we want to give them a label, I don’t care what you give it. You give them autism, you give it ADHD, you give it schizophrenia, you give it scoliosis.

There’s one key factor there and that is lack of core core control and postural control. If you want to build a brain based pediatric practice, start with just ABCs. Those are your first three steps. Adjust. Know why you’re adjusting. Know how to explain that to your caregivers. B.

Mom’s belly, meaning good nutrition. Meaning baby’s got enough room to move in utero to develop key input to the brain. Make sure baby’s got belly time and good bum time. And C. Make sure you’re developing that core. If there’s any lack of interpretable little movement, okay, that means big movement is going to be maladapted to some degree.

And that means the brain is going to be maladapted to some degree. There’s your ABCs to start building a brain based pediatric practice. Simple, easy, cheesy, start using the lingo, start putting into place, and you’re going to build your milestone practice and get those babies under wellness care for life.

And you’re going to build a waiting list practice. So hopefully you gained some pearls there. Elizabeth and I will be back in March to give you, to spring into more actionable steps to build your brain based practice. ChiroSecure, thanks again for giving us this opportunity, and we will see you next month with more brain building tips.

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